Visits to the past

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Petal's POV

After all that, I headed home, praying that everything will be over. But I knew it wasn't. Andrew's words were playing in my head like a song on repeat.

"You shouldn't have done that."

What have I done? I probably made the situation even worse. No, I can't think like that. I have to think positive.

Pulling into the driveway, I parked the car and removed the key from the ignition. Getting out of the car, I walked to the front door and opened it. After closing the door and making sure all the lights were off, I turned around only to see Cameron wide awake and reading a book in his favourite chair with one of the lamps on.

What the heck?

"Babe, what are you doing up?" I asked him, walking to where he was sitting.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said closing his book, not before marking his page.

"It's nothing, don't worry. I'm going to go back to bed." I told him, making my way upstairs to our bedroom. I heard his footsteps following me into the room.

Changing back into my night clothes, I went to the bed and made myself comfortable in it. Cameron made himself comfortable as well.

"Babe, I know I shouldn't be worried about why you went out in the middle of the night but I have to ask.... Did you meet up with Andrew?"

Turning to face him, I could see the worry and stress in his eyes. He's made it his top priority to protect me and the kids. And I totally understand why he's asking.

Sighing, I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Yes, I did."

"What happened? What did he want? What did he say?" He asked.

And I told him everything. From finding him at my old college to pouring my drink on him. By the end of the story, Cameron was shocked and dying of laughter.

"Wait.... So you're telling me you cussed him out, hurt his manhood and pride then poured your drink, the one he bought for you, over him?" he said all this while laughing.

"Yeah I did. And you wanna know the worse part?" I asked him, leaving him in suspense.

"I didn't get to drink any of it!" I yelled, pouting while he's laughing his butt off with tears in his eyes.

Watching him act so carefree and hearing his laugh made me happy and made my heart swell with love. With all that's been going on, we haven't had the chance to just sit down with each other and spend time together. To laugh and talk with one another. It's always been serious.

After Cameron calmed down from his laughing fit, we cuddled together, taking in each other's presence and scent. After a few minutes my eyes began to feel heavy. The scent of my husband lulling me to sleep.

The Next morning

Cameron's POV

Waking up to the sun shining, birds singing and the love of my life sleeping beside me. What more could I ask for? A lot actually. I just want my family to be safe and protected. I want Andrew to be gone for good and I was going to be the one to get rid of him.

After not finding Petal sleeping beside me last night, I thought that Andrew had taken her. But after not seeing her favourite sneakers downstairs, I knew she left on her own will.

But last night had to be the best night of my life, besides our wedding night ;)

That was one of the rare times Petal and I had gotten to be happy and carefree since this whole thing started. I felt refreshed. I wish the kids were here so that they would have experienced that with us but we had to keep them safe and hidden until everything blows over.

Trying not to wake Petal up, I decided to go and get ready for the day. Making my way into our closet, I saw that Petal forgot to throw her "spy" clothes into the hamper. Picking them up to throw them in the wash, I saw a piece of paper sticking out from the pocket of her sweatpants.

Taking the paper in my hand, I opened it and saw this:

"You'll get what's coming to you soon enough. And when it does, I'm gonna sit back and watch." ~ A

How could Petal not tell me about this?

I folded the note in half and put it in my bedside drawer. I went to the hamper, dropped her clothes in it, grabbed some clothes from the closet along with a towel and went to get ready for the day.

Petal's POV

I knew I had left the note in my pocket, I was sure of it. Cameron wasn't supposed to see it, not yet but it wasn't anywhere to be found. I searched the room upside down and everything and it wasn't there!! I was beginning to freak out. Had Cameron found it?

'Looking for something?" Cameron asked, watching my frantic self looking for the note.

"Yeah actually...there was a--"

"A note, in your sweatpants pocket. I found it this morning while getting ready and preparing the laundry. Why didn't you tell me Petal? What else are you keeping from me?" He asked, starting to sound suspicious.

"Nothing babe, I swear." I said, looking directly at him.

He asked again, "Why didn't you tell me about the note? Petal why don't you just go to the police?? God, they are here to help and keep us safe. Let them go after Andrew. You and I--" he stopped short.

"You went to go see Andrew that day when you stormed off from the hospital didn't you?" I asked, starting to see everything make sense now.

"Of course I did, I found him at the bar, the one that we used to go to...I mean...." he trailed off.

"No, I did Petal, I'm not going to hide it. He messed with you and the kids, and now everyone's lives are in danger. I'm not going to just sit back and watch my loved ones lives fall apart one by one." He continued.

"Where's the note now, Cameron?"

"I threw it out." he said with a shrug.

"What?? That was something I needed to--"

"To what Petal? Do you know something that I don't? If you do you need to tell me before this gets more out of hand."

This is exactly what Andrew would have wanted. Tear me away from Cameron so he could have me all to himself.

"Cameron, you know everything I do...." I trailed off, remembering what Andrew had said. It was so hard trying to get it out of my head when I was trying to fall asleep, I had somehow managed to forget it.

He noticed my hesitation and gave me a questioning look.

"Petal? What is it?" he asked.

"You shouldn't have done that." I let the words fall out of my mouth, tasting the bitterness in the meaning behind it.

"Shouldn't have done what?" he asked.

"No, that's what he said when I poured the vanilla latte on him."

"Well of course babe! You did dump a cold drink on him. As a guy that's not a fun experience when it eventually makes its way down there." he joked, pointing.

"Baby! I didn't need the display, I figured it out myself. " I joked back.

"But seriously, I know that phrase had a double meaning. That was all he said, I had walked away when he called that after me, but I couldn't figure out what he meant."

"And calm down, I didn't throw it out. I put it in my bedside drawer." he said, going over to get the note.

And then it hit me

"Babe, I think he's planning to go after the kids." 

You just couldn't stay away, could you? - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now