The End?

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Izuku walked up the cold stairs, pressing his hand against the railing. when he reached the top a cold gust of wind hit him chilling him to the bone, but he did not mind. He took in a deep breath, fresh air filling his lungs as he winced. Kacchan had punched his rib making it hard to breath, but that would'nt matter anymore.Dead people cant feel pain. Izuku walked to the edgeof the barbed wire fence , taking of is shoes and placing his note beneath it. He climbed up the fence and took in his last view, And then he Jumped. A rush of pain filled his head but left asquick as it started and blacked out.


Bakugou woke up to loud noises in the kitchen. He groaned and pulled on his clothes and stomped downstairs. 

WHAT IS IT OLD HA-" Bakugous eyes widend as he saw his moms red teary eyes, he went up to his mom and hugged her - something he rarely does but his mom crying is even rarer. 

" What happend mom?" Bakugou said with a hint of concern, " i-i-nko c-c-alled " his mother sniffed, " And?" Bakugou said, wondering what could be so bad to make her stutter. 

" She s-s-said t-that I-i-zu-k-ku w-was gone!"  His mom cried, tears flowing heavily, Bakugou rolled his eyes .

" What the little sh** Nerd couldent find his way home?" Bakugou snarled. He really is worthless little f****** he thought.

His moms eyes went wide, " h-hes d-dead! He j-jumped o-off the s-school roof!" his mother sniffed. Bakugou froze, His scowl melted away into confusion, And then despair. "W-what?"

Then he remembered, 


                                                                         A day before the "Incident"

Izuku was sitting in his desk when his teacher was talking about heros, 

Bakugou being who he was was ranting about how HE would be the number one hero and everyone else were just a bunch of "s***** extras" 

Class was about to end when his teacher made eye contact with him, then he spoke up. "Midoriya is also applying to Yuuei"   

Bakugou turned around a horrendes scowl and said to his face " YOU REALLY THINK A S***** NERD LIKE HIM WITHOUt A QUIRK CAN GET INTO YUUEI , PATHETIC" he practicly screeched 

" YOUR SEEING ME AFTER CLASS!" Izuku winced, whenever kacchan was mad , izuku usually came home with broken bones and severe burns. 

                                                                       after class

Bakugou stomped to Izukus seat lifting him up by his neck, Pain pulsed through izukus body as kacchan threw him on the ground, Izuku stared at kacchans hands as they began to pop, soon small explosians were being hurled at the small boy. "WHY DO YOU EVEN TRY TO GET ON MY LEVEL YOU NEVER F****** WILL!


then something clicked inside izuku , he realized no matter how hard he works , or how strong he gets, he will never get respected, he knew that if he died no one would care, his moms life would be easier to, He knew they were in debt because of him, so if he died his mom could take care of herself... I mean who would miss a small waste of space?

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