Chapter 7

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Harry's PoV ~~~~
I woke up around 3pm turning over to see a cold , empty side of the bed
"Angel?" I question yowning turning over onto my Side to see the window open and a note on the Desk
I skim through the note "shit" I say as I run into the hall "anyone awake" I say panicking "me" a groggy josh stumbles out of his door "angels ran away she could be any where , josh I really need your help"
Me, josh and a now awaken simon hop into my Crome car and drive around looking for angel
After about half an hour of driving "THERE" simon shouts as he points to his left
"She's there look"
I see as I turn the corner a cold pastel pink angel sitting on a park bench.
I park the car and run over while taking my jacket off "angel ANGEL" I say as I sit next to her and place my jacket over her.
"Why did you run away , why?" I question her.
She just kept stareing at the floor
What is she looking at?
"Angel please "
"I can't harry I can't"
"You can't what" I ask while her body begins to shake"
"Live harry ... I can't live"

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