The One With The Emotions

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Jen's Pov 

I wake up to the other side of the bed empty. I rub my eyes and carefully get out of bed before a wave of nausea seems to crash into me. I quickly jogged to the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet. Soon I felt warm hands massaging my scalp while holding my hair back. 

"Are you okay babe?" Justin asks as I finally finish and am brushing my teeth. I just nod my head silently, before spitting out the toothpaste and washing my face. 

"Remember that today we have an appointment" I reminded him as he starts to lightly kiss me on the lips.

"Mmmhmm" he mumbles as he picks me up, and throws me gently on the bed. I just squeal and giggle as he gently kisses my neck, starting to go down my whole body. 

"Justin," I pant as he starts to unzip my pants. "Justin" He stops what he's doing and looks me in the eyes. 


"I have to go to my meeting," I playfully shove him off of me and re-zip my pants back up. He just sits on the bed with a pouty face while he looks back at me. "Sorry, if you're lucky you might get some tonight" I wink at him as I slip on my heels and make my way downstairs. I grab a piece of toast before picking up my car keys and making my way to my office. 

"Jen, are you okay?" Courtney whispers to me as we sit through a reading for the next episode of FRIENDS.  I can feel the puke come up my throat so I just shake my head no, and run out of the small stuffy room before I explode. Of course, Court and Lisa follow me to the bathroom where I empty out the contents of my stomach, which I could have sworn was only toast. 

They take turns holding my hair back and massaging my back until I finally feel better to stand away from the toilet. 

"What's going on with you," Lisa nudges me with my foot as I look on the tiles of the gross public bathroom.  Court looks at me expecting to explain everything, but I just sit there until there are tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"It's okay Jen," Lisa comforts me. 

"I'm having a baby," The words seem to pause time, they just seem to float out in the open as they scratch through my mouth. 

"Really?" Lisa looks as if she's about to jump up and down, and declare today as 'the best day ever'. I just look at her with an odd glance until she finally explains. 

"I am too!" Suddenly I'm giving her a hug, and once again there are tears rolling down my face. 

"Our baby's will be best friends!" I sob of happiness. Court joins us in the hug, and we all make our way back to the reading. 

"Well, you look awfully happy for someone who just puked," Mathew quizzes us as we walk through the door. "There isn't something going on between you three, right?" He asks as the rest of the people in the room start to giggle. 

I just shake my head, and sit back down, not wanting to interrupt the meeting any more than I already have. Throughout the rest of the meeting, I feel my hand slip down to my stomach without even realizing it, already knowing this baby was going to be so loved. 

 "Hey, Jen" I hear a voice as I walk out of the meeting. I stand to the side as Matt LeBlanc can catch up to me, and he quickly hugs me. 

"I hope you feel better, I know what you're going through. I was sick all last week." I just nod along, pretending as if I had the normal stomach flu. 

"Tell me if you need anything, I'll get it for you" He smiles at me carefully rubbing my arm. I smile back at him when I think of what I want, my mouth watering. 

"I could totally go for some cottage cheese and pickles " Is all I say, as he looks at me oddly. Then he laughs, thinking I'm being funny. 

"Haha, I thought you were being serious there for a second." He then walks off, and my vision becomes blurry as I softly cry over the fact that I can't have pickles and cortege cheese. I slowly walk to my car as I don't feel too good, as I usually have eaten lunch by now. 

When I walk into the house, I can smell the warm scent of freshly made cookies, and I feel my purse drop on the couch as I sprint to the kitchen. In the kitchen, there are two trays of mouth-watering cookies, it takes all my will power to get a plate before stacking the cookies high on the plate and indulging in my snack. 

"Babe, this is why you throw up so much" I feel Justin's arms wrap around my waist as I'm still eating. I carefully finish the cookie I'm on before turning to face him. 

"This is not what makes me sick, the baby makes me sick," I say, I can feel my hormones raging inside of me. He just ignores my comment and attempts to grab one of the cookies before I smack his hand away. 

"There is no way in hell that you are eating all of those" Justin takes the plate away from me and starts to make me a proper lunch. I can already feel the tears starting to fall as he starts to chop the lettuce for a salad. 

"All I wanted was to have a few cookies, and you took that away from me" I whined, now full-on crying. 

"Honey, you wanted to eat 12 cookies. I don't think that's good for you or the baby." He places the salad he made in front of me, and I slowly pick at it. After I finish the salad he whisks the plate away and places it in the sink. 

"Now come on we have an appointment to go too" 

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