The One With The Appointment

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"Come on Jen, you don't need a muffin! We are already late!" Justin says as he pulls me through the crowd as I just stopped to stare at the muffins on a display table. Normally, I would have gone and got the muffin anyway, however, today is the day that I finally get to see the baby that has been growing inside of me. So I reluctantly start to walk towards the hospital that's just around the corner.

I grab for the big glass doors of the hospital and out of the corner of my eye I see a reflection of me.

I look tired, but I feel even worse. This pregnancy made me not just tired, but fatigued. I feel as if I was being weighed down, like I was constantly trying to walk up to my neck in a deep muddy river with heavy, wet clothes carrying shopping bags full of rocks. My eyes felt heavy, and had dark circles around them. I have baggy clothes, which hide my now more visible bump. My hair is in a low messy bun, because I have no more energy to do anything else. I have dark sunglasses on, a sun hat, and a scarf so no one can see my face. The last thing I need right now is my face on a magazine entering the maternal ward of the hospital.

As I go up to the front desk, I look at the middle aged woman sitting there clicking away on a computer. She eventually looks up from the big computer and looks at me.

"Hi, I'm Linda. What can I help you with today?" She quizzes me as she looks me up and down, knowing that with my clothing choices I don't belong in LA.

"Hello, I have a doctor's appointment with Dr.Miller," I don't say my name, as I can't trust anyone with the information that I was here. It could be sold for too much money for a magazine, and since this is my first baby with my husband. I don't want it to be announced by some trashy magazine.

"Name?" She asks me, making me glad that my 'disguise' is working.

"Anna Williams" I say using the name I said Dr.Miller should use as 'my name'.

"Okay, Dr.Miller should be out soon" Justin takes my hand and leads me towards the plastic uncomfy chairs.

After 20 minutes of sitting on those cold plastic chairs, Dr.Miller calls 'my name' and we head back to the private room.

"So Jen, how do you feel?" Dr. Miller asks me, as I sit.

"Tired, gross, miserable, sick, you know.." I trail off looking at all the posters in the room.

"Oh, well that's normal. They should fade away in the next few weeks. Now let's have a look at that baby, shall we?"

I nod my head, feeling like a 4-year-old in a candy store. I couldn't wait to see my little baby on the screen.

Dr.Miller puts the cold gel on my stomach, and pulls up the screen so we can see.

"There's you baby right there" She says as she points to a little dot on the screen.

"Oh my god" I say softly, smiling. I look over at Justin whose eyes are glued to the screen. He has the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face since our wedding. Justin grabs my hand once he realizes that I'm quietly crying, and kisses me. Our tongues entwine for a second before we realize we are in front of my doctor.

"We are having a baby" I mutter as I continue to stare at the screen watching him/her move around inside of me. 

Sorry this one is kind of short, and I haven't updated in a while. I have been super busy with my life. I am hoping that I can upload a lot more now!

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