Chapter 8

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2 days and 15 episodes later...

Carter has been acting rather weird lately. He's being... nice. Liam and Cadenza have noticed the sudden change in his behavior and I'm not sure if they're concerned, or relieved. Heck, I don't even know how I feel about it!

Cadenza and I are both laying next to the pool, sunbathing. Skin cancer here we come! I roll over onto my stomach, and my back begins to bake in the sun. So far it's been a relaxing day. I haven't seen the boys all day, so Cadenza and I have just been relaxing. It's actually rather fun.

A dark thought clouds my mind.

Amethyst, you're on a mission, you're not here to make friends.

I frown. That's right, I'm on a mission. I shouldn't be having fun and making friends. I have to stay focused. I stand up, determined to actually do something productive. If Cadenza noticed, then she didn't say anything. I walk to the sliding door, and walk into the living room. I dash upstairs to my room and change into my sportswear. I haven't trained in a while, I can't let my guard slip.

I quickly warm up and then leave the house, jogging at a steady pace. I just need to refocus.


I collapse onto my bed. I took a very long jog around the neighborhood a couple of times. Luckily I managed to clear my head and refocus. I can't forget my mission, although I can't do much if the target isn't even here. I'll just have to wait until next week to begin observing her.

There's a loud knock on my door, and before I can even say anything, Liam runs into my room.

"There's no time to sleep now, we're having a movie marathon!" He yell excitedly. Great. Of course, just when I'm focused on the mission again another distraction comes along.

"Even Carter's excited, so you have to join us!"

"Alright, alright, calm down." I say.

I get up and quickly grab a blanket and pillow, before following Liam downstairs to the living room. The lights are off, and the blinds are drawn. There's already plenty of blankets and pillows piled around. I chose a spot on the couch and put my blanket and pillow there, claiming the spot. I walk to the kitchen and find Liam, Cadenza and Carter there, bustling around, looking for snacks. Cadenza is making popcorn, Liam is grabbing plenty of drinks from the fridge, and Carter is looking through the pantry for more snacks.

I decided to make myself useful by grabbing various bowls and plates from the cabinet. I pour a whole packet of candy into one bowl and pile various cookies on a plate. I grab the snacks that Carter placed on the counter top and start carefully making my way to the living room. I place all the bowls and plates on the coffee table and sit down. I get comfortable and snuggle up in my blanket while I wait for the others.

They all bring a few bowls of popcorn with them and sit down. Once everyone is seated, we start debating about which movie to watch. We eventually settle on a Marvel movie, and the movie begins. Everyone's eyes are glued to the screen as the movie plays, and we all start eating the various snacks as well. The room is filled with the sound of crunches, but the movie drowns it out.

About halfway through the movie, all the popcorn is finished, and only a few snacks remain. I'm pretty sure Cadenza is starting to fall asleep, which is confirmed a couple of minutes later by her light snores. I can see that Liam is trying his hardest not to burst out laughing while he sneakily takes a picture. Carter doesn't notice any of this, he's captivated by what's showing on the TV screen. I return my focus back onto the screen and continue watching.

About ten minutes later, a ringing echoes around the room. Carter grabs his cellphone and checks the caller ID before he swiftly stands up and leaves the room. Liam immediately lowers the volume of the TV and the sound of Carter's monotone voice can be heard. I catch Cadenza, who has now woken up, sneaks a concerned glance towards Liam and he returns it with his own look of confusion. It seems like they are having a silent conversation. Are they communicating through telepathy or something? I thought that was only a twin thing.

After a few minutes, Carter returns to the room with a serious expression on his face. He looks more stressed than he did before the call, like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Miss Hart will be returning tomorrow evening," he says monotonously, "Mr and Mrs Hart will be away for another week."

"Oh, Heather, you and Cadenza will be on the night shift tomorrow evening when Miss Hart returns." He adds before leaving the room and going upstairs. There was such a sudden change in atmosphere, that none of us even wanted to continue the marathon.

"Why was he acting so nice and carefree before this?" I finally ask, remembering that the question was lingering in my mind.

"I think he just works too hard," Liam replies, "that was the first time he's had a break in months, and now it's going back to normal too soon."

"He was finally getting a chance to relax," Cadenza adds, "He's actually a really nice person, but all the stress he's under dampens his spirit."

So that explains why he was so happy and carefree after the Hart's left. I actually feel really sorry for the guy. I at least get a break in between missions, but he has to constantly work every single day. Damn.

I glumly make my way upstairs to my bedroom, feeling disappointed with how the night ended. We were having so much fun as well, and even I enjoyed it.

How can a night that started out so well, come to such a sudden end?

How can a night that started out so well, come to such a sudden end?

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