Chapter 27

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You really start to reflect on your life when you're tied to a chair on a rooftop 10 floors above the ground.

I've never really realized the importance of friendship, or even cared about it. Ugh, I sound like a villain coming straight out of My Little Pony.

But it's true. I've never bothered with making friends, even as a child, I didn't understand why they were important. They would just distract me from my main goal, success. I didn't want distractions. As I got older, I was always surrounded by drama at school, and over what? Your best friend stole your man? Can't relate. I didn't need that sort of thing in my life. I knew they would eventually just stab me in the back.

Long story short, I didn't want, or care about friends. Co-workers didn't count, in my opinion. You're forced to work with them, friends are optional. And you're probably thinking, "But Amethyst, friends can help you" I'm an assassin, I work alone, how are friends supposed to help me? They keep watch by the door while I stab someone to death?

And I never found the idea of constantly texting your friends, hanging out with them, and telling them everything, appealing. I always had better things to do with my time.

I now realize, that friends are one of the most important things in your life, but it might be too late for me now. It was fun while it lasted I guess.

When you're about to die, you also start thinking about all the regrets you have and believe me, I have many. I suppose I should start with my biggest regret.

I was only 12 years old when it happened. I haven't seen my mother since that day. It's been roughly 11 years since I saw my mother, or any relatives for that matter.

My father died when I was young, from what, I don't know. Years after his death, my mother met someone else and she fell in love with him immediately. In stereotypical fashion, I despised her boyfriend and eventually he proposed to her. They planned to have a beach wedding and we stayed at a fancy hotel at the beach the night before...

11 Years ago

There's a bright flash followed by a loud clap of thunder and I jump away from the window. I don't remember them forecasting a thunderstorm...

I move away from the window and back to the humongous bed in the center of the room. I've never stayed in a fancy hotel like this and I get the whole room to myself! That's the only good thing about this wedding. I'm not looking forward to it at all, I don't want mom to marry that idiot.

I look over at the antique wardrobe in the corner, with my dress hanging on the doorknob. It's a simple baby blue dress with sparkly flowers on it. It's a pretty dress, I just hope it won't get ruined if it rains tomorrow. Maybe they'll cancel the wedding if it rains. Mom said I have to get up super early tomorrow morning so they can do my hair. I have no idea why though, I think my hair is just fine the way it is. They're probably gonna force me to wear make up too. Ugh.

The door suddenly creaks open and Carlos steps inside. He closes the door behind him and the lock faintly clicks.

"You're in the wrong room," I state, "Mom's room is down the hall." He moves closer and I take a step back. There's a dangerous look in his eyes that makes me tremble. He keeps on coming closer and eventually my back hits the wall. There's nowhere left for me to go.

He corners me and starts caressing my face, ignoring my protests. I feel his hands start to wander and I try and push him away. He continues putting up a fight and I'm still trapped. I yell for him to stop, but I know that no one will come to my aid.

My hands grasp a candelabrum that was sitting on the bedside table next to me. My arm swings before I can hesitate and the candelabrum comes into contact with the side of his head with a hollow thud. His motionless body collapses onto the carpet, the blood dripping from his head where I hit him. I scream.

My mother bursts into the room, breaking the lock and freezes as she takes in the scene in front of her. It must be quite a sight to see your fiance laying dead on the carpet and your 12 year old daughter holding a murder weapon. She rushes forward and harshly shoves me away from his corpse. She's crying, screaming for help. That's when she notices the candelabrum still in my hands.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" she screams, firmly grabbing my wrists. I try to pull out of her grip but she just won't let go. I've never seen mom this angry and I'm terrified. She yells and screams, a look of utter disgust on her face. She doesn't consider me her daughter anymore... I ruined the happiest day of her life.

I left the hotel immediately and ran away. I spent most of my life in orphanages and foster homes, going by the name Amethyst Stone. I can't even remember my real name anymore...

Present Day

I'm brought back to reality by the fake Isabelle's maniacal laughter once again. I heard the other man refer to her as Carmen and I heard his name is Alexander. I'm not sure how much time has passed, but no one has found me yet. I might be here all night, if they don't kill me by then. They said I was bait though...

They're gonna use me as bait to get Carter here, then they'll kill both if us. Killing two birds with one stone. I straighten when I hear the faint sound of footsteps thundering up the stairs.

Suddenly Carter and Cadenza burst through the door and rush out onto the rooftop. Unfortunately Carmen and Alexander already noticed them. A smug, disturbing smile grows on Carmen's face. She lifts her gun up.

"Let the fun begin."

Sorry that I updated a day late, but exams are finally over! XD

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Sorry that I updated a day late, but exams are finally over! XD

Also, did I basically use the entire prolouge at the beginning of this chapter? Yes. Yes I did.

And I hope this chapter clears things up Cat, you finally get your answers :)


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