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Chapter 7

When I got out of the house this morning I thought about how, when school finished, i would go back home and sleep. Which was the only thought that kept me going throughout the day, and especially when the whole day seemed like it was dragging slowly and everything was just grey with the dark clouds and chilly weathering adding to it.

Now dont get me wrong, I would have loved this weather if it had been on any other day than today, but it had to be today when everyone already looked gloomy and the weather just made it worse.

But I would've never wondered I would be going out to eat with Mr.Kim and his friend, who was supposedly also my 'friend' now, since the past hour.

I also would'nt have ever wondered that the place they were going to eat at, considering I had thought they would act like typical adults, was Mcdonalds.

Not that im complaining, I just didnt expect it and even though they acted like there was nothing wrong with it, and i know there isnt,
My whole impression on them changed, thats been happening alot with Mr. Kim. He suprises me before i can even tell what i think of him, but not in a bad way, perhaps i found the suprise to be a bit pleasant.

Like sometimes, when you have a certain expectation, the feeling that sometimes comes unconsiously, you can easily also get dissapointed. Then you try to figure out why you expected it anyways when really, deep in your mind it's because maybe it would be so much easier that if someone were to meet your expectation, act the way you had expected them to, the way you were used to.

Because confusion isnt something they'd want, people want to be able to understand and if they can't, thats when they should learn to accept, not everything will go your way. Not everything does.

And yet everytime Mr.Kim suprises me, it's anything but disspointing and it makes me wonder what else he likes and dislikes. Bit by bit i start to find myself wanting to know more about him and maybe, just maybe thats why i didnt disagree when Mr.Kim told me to come, completely shattering all my thoughts about him probably not wanting me to join them.

Maybe i found my opportunity to get to know the teacher better, and no matter how much i try to convince myself that i was forced, this is actually what i wanted, a chance to get to know him a bit more, to understand.

Who wouldn't want to find out why such a young teacher chose to be one, was it because he needs the money? Maybe he likes the job? Maybe to get the experience?

I know it is totally not in my position to want to know such things about him but I just can't help it, I was born curious.

Nonetheless, after thinking deeply about how, maybe i actually wanted to come, i wasnt angry at Jimin anymore (as if i was in the first place) or atleast i wasnt pretending to be.

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