Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The whole day passed and I went back to house to quickly get started on the assignment.

It still got me thinking about the new substitute, if he knew I was lying at first, did he think I actually had done it and forgotten it at home?

And who would've known he was married, I scoffed. He looks Atleast about 23 years old, shouldn't he be in university or something?

Oh my God Celestina! Just forget about him, start your assignment.

I huff and get up from my bed to my laptop. No one's home yet so I can start peacefully.

Wait? What did we have to do again?


After asking Mark and Heather about the assignment, I quickly started researching and typing the essay.

We had a choice between about 5 topics. I chose the third one without hesitating, mainly because there would be alot of information about it and the fact that we could add our own opinion and not just write facts like the other topics which were mainly about wars and their conclusions.

I those, 'How does history contribute to moral unserstanding' where I also had to include, 'how does history affect the present.'

Not only did I choose this because I had more than just facts to write, from which I couldn't really expand the essay and make it longer, but I also because it peaked my interest and knowing that it's something I'd want to write about would make me more motivated.

Telling myself that I could do it, I finally wrote about 2 pages after 4 and a half hours. Motivation gone after finding out how little I had written after so much research.

My eyes hurt and it was almost 8 in the evening. I decided to take a break and go eat something. The fact that my parents weren't home yet confused me but I shrugged it off thinking it was one of those days where they had more than usual work to do.

Both my parents work together, they've built their own business from scratch after they completed university. They had fallen in love and decided to live together after which they got married and had me.

I smile as I think about them, my mom's older by a year and my dad was madly in love and decided to finally go and introduce himself when she was a senior.

That was probably the best decision he ever made, considering the fact that it lead to me...hah.

The front door suddenly opens when I'm about to step into the kitchen and I look back, "heyyy, my celestial being," my dad smiles as he and mom come in with their handbags.

They look tired and worn out, "hi dad! Hi mom! Why are you guys back so late?" I couldn't help but ask.

"we had an unexpected client, and that too, an important one, couldn't leave them." my mom sighs, then puts her handbag on the living room table along with my dad's.

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