Chapter 3

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Tiffany's POV

I woke up to Sammy licking my face... again. He's either hungry or needs to go out.

"Sammy, it's supposed to be my day off, so that means I should be able to sleep in!"

The little shit barked and started to run around the room. I laid back and groaned. I heard a knock a knock on the door, so that's what Sammy is freaking out about. I got up, straightened out my clothes and quickly ran my fingered through my hair. I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole thingy. ETHAN!!! I quickly opened the door.

"ETHAN!!" I yelled as I jumped into his arms.

"Well hello to you too!" he laughed.

"Oh shit! Did you want a formal greeting or a Tiffany greeting?" I asked.

" I missed my best friend so much that if she didn't give me a Tiffany greeting I would think that she was sick!" Ethan laughed.

I laughed with him. After we finally finished laughing, we hugged "properly", and I let him in. Sammy ran up and licked him.

"Sammy!" Ethan yelled and started to pet the spoiled dog. "How have you been Sammy boy?" Ethan asked the dog. Sammy barked back at him while I laughed at them.

"So what are you doing here? I thought you didn't get another break until Christmas!" I asked him.

"The college changed their mind, and let us go see our families for the holiday season!" Ethan laughed at my shocked expression.

"But they usually don't let you people do anything!" I finally replied. Ethan laughed, so I slapped his arm because it literally doesn't happen often!

"So what were you planning on doing today?" Ethan asked still petting Sammy.

"I was going to record for the Avenged contest!" I replied, plopping down on the couch. Ethan walked over and sat next to me, Sammy quickly followed him.

"You're entering that?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering, I am going to miss you if you win it!"

"Aww I'll miss you too!" I reached over and hugged the little cry baby, and he hugged me right back.

"So what song were you planning on singing?" Ethan finally asked.

"I'm going to sing I Won't See You Tonight, Pt. 1!'

"I'm surprised that you want to sing that song, it must bring back painful memories!"

"It does, but that's the song that I really want to sing!"

"Okay, I can help you record if you want."

"Yes that would be wonderful!"

Ethan and I just talked about anything and everything that happened when he was at college. Apparently Ethan has a little girlfriend, but he won't admit that he likes her. I will get it out of him later.

"Hey, Tiff, do you want to start filming for the contest?"

"Sure just let me get my guitar, while you set up."

I went into my room softly humming the song, and grabbed my acoustic guitar. I set the guitar on the couch while I went to get a folding chair from the closet. I set the chair up, grabbed my guitar, and started practicing as Ethan finished setting up the camera.

"Okay are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be!"

"Okay 3...2...1" Ethan pointed at me.

"My name is Tiffany Young and I will be playing I Won't See You Tonight Pt. 1." I took a deep breath and began to sing.

"Cry alone I've gone away

No more nights no more pain

I've gone alone took all my strength

I've made the change

I won't see you tonight

Sorrow sank deep inside my blood

All the ones around me

I cared for and loved

Building up inside of me

A place so dark, so cold it had sent me free

Don't mourn for me you're not the one to place the blame

As bottles called my name I won't see you tonight

Sorrow sank deep inside my blood

All the ones around me

I cared for and most of all I loved

But I can't see myself that way

Please don't forget me

Or cry while I'm away

Cry alone I've gone away

No more nights no more pain

I've gone alone took all my strength

But I've made the change I won't see you tonight

So far away I'm gone

Please don't follow me tonight

and while I'm gone

Everything will be alright

No more breath inside

Essence left my heart tonight

No more breath inside

Essence left my heart tonight"

I finished with a strong voice. Ethan turned off the camera. Ethan than looked like he saw a ghost or something. I waved my arms in the air like a maniac, trying to get his attention.



"You just zoned out dude!"

"I did?"

"Yes and you looked like you saw a ghost! Fuck, it looked like you saw the fucking grim reaper!"

"Oh, I just forgot how good your voice really is! You were incredible! If they pass you up they won't know what they are missing!"

Ethan then somehow got the video onto my laptop. Don't ask me how he did it, I honestly have no fucking clue!

"Tiff come here! Let's watch it"

I walked over and watched it with him. I guess I sounded just a tiny bit good.

"Should we send it?" Ethan asked me.

"Yeah lets do this."

To say that I am nervous is an understatement. I have every bad and good thought, about this is going threw my head right now. It's amazing that I can even think right now.

I took my laptop from Ethan and typed in the email address "a7xfamily@/" I typed in my email my name and what song I was singing. So obviously it said "I'm Tiffany Young and I will be performing I won't see you tonight pt.1. Hope you enjoy!" I hesitated when the mouse reached the send button?"

"Why are you not clicking the button?" Ethan suddenly asked sounding a little annoyed.

"Because I am nervous!"

"Why? You were all for this a little while ago."

"Well now that I am actually about to send it, I'm fucking nervous as hell!"

Suddenly Ethan reached over and hit the send button for me.

"YOU DICHWAD!!!" I screamed.

We actually did it! I honestly thought that I would've backed out if Ethan wasn't here, but now it is sent for my idols to see.....

I'm sorry for the wait and I know that on the last chapter with the contest rules it says certain dates but I didn't have enough time to write the next chapters in between those dates. I have an announcement that will be posted on all of my stories tomorrow

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