[2] Nice to meet you... again.

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I knew that voice, I dart up to see exacltly who I didnt want to see. Zak. He winks at me and gives me a smirk as I walk up to him and Aaron. Before any words could leave my mouth I was picked up and twirled in the air in a giant bear hug. 

"I missed you so much!" Aaron shouted as he put me down. 

'I missed you too!" I giggle and give him another hug.

"Hey what about me?" "Do I get a hug?" Zak frowned. 

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You know I hate it when you call me Mae-Mae." 

He smirks at me again, "I know." 

I met Zak at the bar the night I met Aaron. He was nice but I couldn't stand him for some reason. I don't know why but he just got on my nerves. I could tell he was a player and I confirmed that when I saw him making out with two different girls that night. But, it has been 11 years since then so maybe hes changed. 

I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear.  

"Alright, let's go get some lunch I'm starving," Aaron begged. I agreed and so did Zak. 


We walked out into the blazing Las Vegas sun. The air was fresher here than in L.A. We hop into Aarons's gray car and pull out of the airport. 

"There's a Burger house right of the strip, does that sound good?" Aaron asks. I nod my head in agreeance. 

"Why are you so quiet Mae-Mae?" Zak remarked. I slowly gaze up at him and give him a scowl.

"I don't ask you why you're obnoxious. So don't ask why I'm quiet." I reply with a sly smile.

"Ouch." He whispers. I laugh and he turns around and lets out a small chuckle. 

He has such a stunning smile and his eyes are just-

Stop snap out of it. I quickly look away but I can tell hes still looking at me. I cant fall for him, hes a player, plus, I have a boyfriend, I tell myself. 


"The burgers are amazing here, you're going to love them." "Right Zak?" Aaron says happily as we walk into the restraunt.

He licks his lips, looks at me and nods. 

I roll my eyes and smile. 

We sit down in a booth. I sit next to Aaron and Zak sits across from us. I order a plain hamburger with no cheese or onions, Aaron orders and a double burger with no tomatoes and Zak orders a burger with no lettuce. 

"Great I'll have that right out!" The waiter giggles and winks at Zak. He bites his lip as she walks away.

"Soooo, Mae, hows your boyfriend, Jason, doing?" Aaron says snapping Zak out of his gaze. 

"Uh hes good," I say and look down.  Zak looks over at me. I could tell he was bothered. "Yeah hes great actually, he's away on business in New York." I perk up. 

Zak rolls his eyes and takes a drink of his water. I grin at Aaron as he holds in a giggle.  

"Well, Im so glad you decided to come!" Aaron says changing the subject.

"Yeah, Im glad I could get away for a while." I smile. 

"So where will you be staying?" Zak asks. 

"Oh probably the Luxor, just because its closer to Aarons place." I reply. 

We eventually finish our burgers and Aaron and zak take me on a tour around the strip. We also toured Zaks haunted museum which was really cool. 


Aaron drops me off at my hotel and I check in and get to my room. I toss my suitcase on the bed and start getting ready for a shower. I wash my hair and body and get out. I put on an oversized t-shirt and get into bed. I look over at the time 10:00. I deciced it would be better to get some sleep than watch tv, since I would be meeting Aaron for brunch the next morning. I couldn't fall asleep though. I kept thinking about Zak, and how he treated me. How he was annoyed when I said I had a boyfriend. Probably because he didn't know what commitment was. I giggle as my eyelids get heavy, and I eventually fall asleep. 

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