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"Be careful! Just know we love you (y/n). If someone is mean to you at school we can come and pick you up." My mom said holding my father close to her

"I know. Bye mom and dad!" I said faking a smile and leaving out the door to go to my new school

I was always the quiet type. I never really engaged in most activities that involved other people..I ended up doing all of the work anyways. But because of my quietness I get bullied more then I'd like to admit. You might think my father switched my schools for me because I told him, but you sadly aren't correct. I switched schools because my father noticed I wasn't bringing home friends. so he thought that the kids in my old school didn't match well with me, so he moved me to another school. But it doesn't matter how many schools I go to and how many "friends" I make, I will still be far from happy.

~time skip to when you get to school because I'm lazy~

I had finally got to my school, and as I did it was surrounded with all types of people.

I walked through the front door, and  I felt thousands of eyes on me and I hated it...

I put my head down low to try to block them out but they started whispering...

'who's she?'

'she honestly isn't that pretty if you ask me'

'she looks kind of stupid'

'she's ugly'

'I bet she got bullied at her old school, she looks so vulnerable and small.'

All that came out of their mouths were insults and small giggles...

I got to the guidance office and asked for my schedule.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Kim (y/n) can I have my schedule?" I asked politely

"Alright. Hold on one second, I will print it out now" one of the lady's said typing as she spoke

Not long after she handed me a piece of paper with all of my info on it.

"Thanks" I said leaving to go to my first class

the halls were somewhat empty and abandoned, but we're soon filled with footsteps

I looked a head and saw a guy my age walking towards me with a adorable smile

"Excuse me" he said raising his hand

"Me?" I asked pointing to myself

" Yes, do you know where this class is? I can't seem to find it" he asked pointing to his schedule

"Um, I am new here so I wouldn't know. Sorry" I said backing off

"Really? I am too! Do you want to find the class together?" He asked happily

"Sorry, I don't want to sound rude but I don't think I can." I said trying to get away from him again

" Please~" he whined tugging on my sleeve

"U-Um s-s-sure I guess" I said just wanting him to let go of me

"Great! I am Kim Taehyung. You are?" He asked

" Kim (y/n). " I said walking off hoping he wouldn't follow me, but he sadly did exactly that

"So, why did you leave your other school? I left because I got bullied a lot..." He said softly

" I find that hard to believe. You don't have any vulnerabilities. " I said making him tilt his head in confusion

"Everyone that gets bullied has something abnormal about them. You don't. You aren't ugly, you have nice clothes, you have a good shape, and you have a good personality. People like you are the ones doing the bullying, not receiving." I explained still walking

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