I Miss You

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    Hey guys!!! I'm back, I feel horrible for leaving in the first place! I had to reread my stories to get the full idea of what's going on and during that I got sucked into my own story, funny right? Hope you like the chapter!

      I've been hanging out with Lily for the past week. It's awkward around her now, her friends are different from mine. I've been getting close to Severus to. When I don't want to hang out with Lily I'm with Severus. He's not as quite as he was when I first meant him.

        When I walk around the castle I've seen Sirius go back to his normal self, snogging girls, other girls. Sadly, I feel hurt when I see it, I miss him. James tried to talk to me this week but I've just ignored him. I don't want to be around them. Sirius had been pranking like usual also.

        "Did you do your homework for potions?" I ask Severus in the great hall as we eat breakfest.  

        "Yes, and I'm guessing you haven't?" A smirk crosses his face as I turn red. I usually do but I've been distracted.

          "No, but if you let me copy off of yours...." I trail off while putting a piece of ham in my mouth.

         "Fine." Severus mutters. Pulling out his homework. I happily copy it down but something stops me. When I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn around to see it Sirius. I meet eyes with him but quickly turn away.

           "Let's get to class." I murmer to Sev as he nods and we head out of the Great Hall.


         I pull my red and gold sweater over my head and pat down my black jeans and walk out of the common room. I'm going to meet Sev over  by the lake to study for out test tomorrow. I walk out of the Hogwarts building to hear cheers. I see the group of Maraders surrounded by a crowd of people. As I move closer I see who there torturing. Severus.

          "Put him down!" I snap pulling out my wand and pointing it at them.

         "Look, it's your lover Snivellus!" Sirius yells shaking him even more.

        "Put him down, Black!" I shout unsure of what to do.

        "Why should he?" James laughs. I glare at him and point my wand at Severus.

        "Liberacorpus!" Severus falls to the ground and Sirius turns to me angry.

        "Locomotor Mortis." Sirius says pointing at me. My legs lock and I fall forward. I gasp at Sirius and he smirks.

         "Expell-" I'm cut off by Sirius.

         "Conjunctivits!" I suddenly can't see. I put my hand up to my face and I can't see anything.

         "Not so brave now are you, Evans?" Sirius growls in my ear.

         "I don't think it's the spell that's blinded me, it's you." I snap. I feel two people grab me by my arms and drag me inside the castle. Suddenly I can see again and my legs can move.

          "Remus, want's to know if your going to give out our secret." James appears in front of me and I can tell were in an old class room.

           "What, why would I do that?" I can see the pain written across everyone face except Sirius, I saw no emotion.

            "Hum, I don't know, you tried to shag my best mate!" Sirius yelled.

            "I did nothing Sirius, I don't like Remus like that!" I scream. I pull at my hair from frustration.

           "She's telling the truth Mate." I look over at James who puts a hand on Sirius shoulder.

           "I don't like Remus, I swear Sirius, I-I like someone else." I whisper before quickly walking out of the room. I can feel the tears on my cheeks as I walk through the portrait.


         I toss and turn thinking about Sirius. I can't believe he actually did all those things to me. I can't stop reminding myself I should just forget him, but on side of me wont ever forget him. I finally decide to slip out of bed and take a walk. I pull my robe on and quietly walk out of the Gryffindor common room.

          I keep my eyes focoused on the floor just trying to clear my mind. I suddenly hit something feel me being pinned against a wall. The person towers over me and I can see who it is perfectly, Sirius.

        "I can't believe you." He whispers. His dark eyes are staring into mine. My eyes flash down to his lips that are dangerously close to mine.

         "W-what do you mean?" I ask nervously.

        "I can't believe how I can never forget you, no one makes me feel different about you, it kills me to look at you with Snivellus every day." I stare at him in shock but it soon turns to anger.

        "And I can't believe you either." He smiles but it soon turns to a frown when he see's me glaring at him.

        "What do you mean?" I try to push him off of me but he's to strong.

        "I can't believe how much of a jerk you've turn into!" I snap. I finally get him off of me and I start walking back to the common room.

        "I haven't turn into a jerk, your the one who's changed." I stop and turn around surprised.

        "Just because I wont fall for you is not why I'm differnent, I'm sorry Black but to me your nothing but a slimy git." I see his eyes darken and it scares me.

       "I know you want me, just like any other girl at Hogwarts, I know I can get you." He growls pushing me back into the wall.

        "I'm not like every other girl." I whisper. He leans in but passes my lips and instead goes to my ear.

       "But I can make you weaker then every other girl." His hot breath hits against my skin making me shiver. He pulls away and walk back to the common room leaving me there confused.

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