I'm Jaya . I'm in HighSchool. And have problems any other teenage girl would have . Anyways BlahBlah . I'm in a relationship with this guy named Adam . He is my age and very handsome. Bad thing is hes popular .. It's not bad for him but bad for me .. He is always with girls ! Because he is a football player and there's girls cheering ! One day...
Stephanie: JAYA WAIT UP !!!
She's running down the halls with her bookbag going back and forth .
Me: Stephh what do you need? I have to meet Adam at his truck in 3 mins .
Stephanie: I have to tell you something .! She says it in this quiet voice .
I'm thinking to myself "Great more drama getting around". But it wasnt.
Me: okay spit it out.
Stephanie: your gonna.be mad at this person .. So don't take it put on me please.!
Me: I Have to go !!!!! Tell me now!!.
Stephanie: Adam is cheeting on you!.With Jenna. I should of told you this morning but I saw you hanging with him and you were so happy.
Me: *I screamed* Jenna !??!?!??!?! Jenna !
Stephanie; Yes . Yes .yes. I know its bad !
Me; JENNA JENNA !??!? My sister Jenna ?!?!
Stephanie; yes. I'm so sorry.
I start to run to Adams truck . I was mad.