{14} Your Biggest Fear

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Pyrophobia (Fear of fire)
You try to avoid everything related to fire, mainly because of a house fire that almost killed you and your parents. You can't even strike a match without the fear getting burned at the slightest.

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Trypanophobia (Fear of needles/sharp things)
You hate needles; so much in fact it's almost impossible to get you to go to the doctor's. Whenever you do end up going, Ken would always be beside you and try to distract you from looking at it.

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Claustrophobia (Fear of enclosed spaces)
You don't like being on closed rooms by yourself and Chun-Li knows this, though even with her by your side, you still hyperventilate. She reassures you that she's with you and her voice alone is enough to comfort you.

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Acrophobia (Fear of flying)
You don't like being on any kind of flying vehicle and will try to find any other way to travel, but most of the time, you're pretty much forced to get on. Guile tries to comfort you by telling you everything will be okay and to not think about the flight.

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Astraphobia (Fear of thunder/lightning)
You absolutely hate the sound of thunder during a storm, but seeing lightning scares you even worst. You become so shaken up that you basically freeze up at the spot. She tries to comfort you by any means necessary, even calling Chun-Li for help.

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Necrophobia (Fear of death/dead things)
You've always had dreams of dying alone since the loss of your parents, but you never told him about them. You become shaken up whenever you see or hear anything related to death, so Abel tries his best to comfort you.

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Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
You don't know how you even handle Juri with her liking to spiders when you can't even look at the creepy crawlies yourself. She finds it funny when you freak out over a tiny spider and even more humorous when she asks you to hold a tarantula for a second.

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