
Dowoon was new at his school. A fancy private arts school at that. He had won a scholarship that allowed him to go to this new fancy academy, which he was grateful for.
The best thing about this new school,JYP Academy, was that Dowoon now had access to the drum set found in the school's music room. His first week went well. He met a few nice upperclassmen, and despite being awkward, he found a few kind classmates to talk to.
At the end of every day, however, Dowoon found himself in the school's music room. Students were allowed to use school property all through the day until about 11:00pm, but most left. Dowoon sat at the dums and played. He never had access to a full drum set at home, and it being the first week, he had no homework.
It was on one of these nights of playing the drums, a Thursday in fact, something strange happened. Dowoon got up after playing for a few hours. The school was dark other than a few florescent lights. He was heading to the vending machine. It was a fancy academy, and of course, it had several fancy vending machines. He always got the same cold soda. It was the cheapest drink, and kept him awake. This time he bought two, one for now and one for later. After picking up his two cold beverages he heard a sound. Like someone was crying- no not crying more like sobbing. Concerned, he followed the sound down the hallway to his left.
It was a boy, seated on the floor leaning against the wall, his legs folded and brought up to his chest. He seemed shorter than Dowoon, and was overall rather slender. Dowoon looked at the boy, who was sobbing with his whole heart, occasionally muttering things to himself. This wasn't the usual crying, no, this was different. He was crying violently, the way you only do if your whole life is in shambles. He looked like he was in so much despair, Dowoon felt bad for him. Despite his usual judgement, Dowoon awkwardly went up to him.
"Um- Excuse me, are you alright?" He asked
The boy looked up at him. Now seeing his face, Dowoon could see that despite his size, the 'boy' was an upperclassman. He hurriedly wiped his tears and responded in a shaky voice.
"No, not really." He sounded so defeated, that it would be too much work to pretend to be fine.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Um okay." Dowoon didn't want to just leave the boy on his own. It just seemed, cruel to him. To the boy's surprise, Dowoon took a seat on the ground next to him.
"Uh- Do you want some soda?" Lame conversation starter, but it was all he could come up with.
Dowoon handed the boy one of his cans of soda. They sat in a painfully awkward silence as the boy took a few sips. Finally, Dowoon broke the silence.
"My name's Yoon Dowoon. You?"
"Kim Wonpil."
The name sounded familiar to Dowoon, until he finally remembered.
"Hey, aren't you the guy that won a whole bunch of awards for singing and piano? Ah- I remember now, you were in the presentation they show new students. You were really good!" He added a small smile, trying to cheer Wonpil up. Dowoon was a rather shy person and talking to new people is very difficult for him, but he tried his best.
"Oh, Thank you. Wait, new students, are you a freshman? I would have never have guessed." He responded, trying his best to sound a little energetic despite having just bawled his eyes out.
"Huh- why?" Dowoon looked at him confused.
"Ah, it's just- your voice is pretty deep for a freshman and um- never mind."
"Um- okay..." Dowoon replied a bit awkwardly. He searched for words to continue the conversation, but Wonpil replied first.
" So, what's your major?" He asked, it being a preforming arts school, every student had to major in their of art choice. The most popular choices were vocal and dance.
" Percussion, but specifically drums."
" Percussion? That's interesting, not a lot of people major in that."
" Yeah... Mabey that's why I got in, they were desperate." Dowoon laughed a bit.
"OH! That's not what I meant at all! I'm sorry!" Wonpil replied hurriedly.
"Chill, it was a joke!" He laughed. It was strange to see someone take a joke so literally, and be so concerned about another person's feelings. It was weirdly cute.
Wonpil laughed a bit, after seeing Dowoon laugh, and the awkwardness in the air began to fade.
They chatted a bit, in which they didn't really talk about anything, but it was still enjoyable nonetheless.
Dowoon learned that Wonpil was actually in the year above him, a piano and vocal major, and devastatingly kind. It was a bit weird how nice he was, despite just crying his heart out, he still was just naturally friendly and, well, nice!
"What could have made such a person hurt so much?" Dowoon thought.
Suddenly, a notification went off on his phone, signaling the last bus to his stop was arriving soon.
"Oh! It's already 11:00pm? I really need to go...It was nice meeting you. I hope you feel better. It sounds lame, but it really does get better. Anyways, I'll see you around? Don't be a stranger!" Dowoon smiled, trying his best to be comforting. He quickly said bye, since he was almost late.

( Hi there! This is my first fic. I hope it's at least kind of good. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! All feedback is welcome + plz ignore any typos, I suck at spelling. Thank you again 💖- MintChoco5)

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