33 Queen

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Part 33 

Khushi understood who THAT MAN was.

Arnav: You can call her through phone. Invitation not needed. THAT MAN will take it in his favor. Hope you understand.

Khushi: I won't invite Tina if you are not comfortable with her presence.

Arnav: It's ok. It doesn't make sense of getting upset with her unless she is like her mother.

Khushi: She couldn't be like her mother, Arnavji.

Arnav: Or else I won't let her be near you. I'm saying this again Khushi. (he gulped) I don't want any touch with THAT MAN.

Khushi(with extreme hesitance): Arnavji... this is our BIG day... being your father... won't he like to be a part of it...?

Arnav: My mother respected him as her life.... But he didn't even think of her as a part of his life. A man like him could never get a part in my life. (clutching her hands) After my mother, I love you beyond your imagination Khushi... I hope you won't disappoint me by taking his side. Understand the depth of the issue. I hate THAT MAN from the core of my heart...

Khushi nodded yes. It was not hard for her to understand the depth of the issue. Arnav loves his mother so much. As much as he loves his mother, he hates his father. The love he holds in his heart for his mother is the reason for Khushi's existence in his life. And Khushi knows that. Khushi's thoughts got disconnected when Arnav tapped her cheek.

Arnav: Khushi...

Khushi: Hannn...?

Arnav: What happened?

Khushi nodded NO with an adorable smile.

Arnav: Your outfit for the reception will be my choice. Ok?

Khushi: No issues Arnavji... I will drape any saree given by you.

Arnav: Saree? Do you know who I'm?

Khushi (hesitatingly): My husband...

Arnav (laughing): Haan.... No doubt. For the world, I'm a Fashion King.

Khushi: Ohh...but... won't a fashion kind's wife wear saree?

Arnav: Of course... but Fashion king's wife is not just a wife but a QUEEN. Don't forget that.

Khushi was looking at him with an unnamed expression. QUEEN? Seriously?

Arnav: Understood? Forget about saree. That's all.

He walked inside the washroom to get his shower.

Khushi looked at her own image in the mirror. QUEEN was echoing in her ears. Is she a queen? Won't there be a FULL STOP for her husband's surprises?

Don't know how long she was looking at the mirror. She got her sense back only when Arnav shook her after calling her for two times and didn't get a reply from her.

Arnav raised his eyebrows, pressing his lips, seeing her looking at his face, without blinking.

Arnav: Khushi... what happened to you?

Still, she was gazing at him...

Arnav: Are you going to give a lecture about my EYES again?

He spilled a killer smile at her. But Khushi needed only a second to vanish the smile. Cupping his face she pressed her lips on his. Then his smile should go vanish right? It seems, she has no idea to take her lips away from his. For the first time in his life, Arnav Singh Raizada sensed he is losing his sense as Khushi gave him a shock. He could calculate why she got emotional. She is Khushi after all.

Khushi hugged him breaking the kiss. Of course, Arnav reciprocated the hug.

Khushi: Arnavji... I had been treating as a maid for my entire life. This is just too much for me to be promoted as a QUEEN... it seems like a fairy tale.

Arnav (gulping down): Just because a greedy woman treated you as a maid, you can't be a maid. In my emperor, you will be the queen until this king (pointing at himself) is alive. Mother promise...

Khushi was undoubtedly on cloud nine but she sensed something in Arnav's eyes. Is it necessary to PROMISE? That too MOTHER's PROMISE? Is he giving her assurance that he won't be like his father?

Khushi (nodding yes): Don't feel bad Arnavji... I trust you...

Arnav (cutting her): I just ...

Khushi (putting her index finger on his lips): Don't say you are fine... I can read your eyes Arnavji. Those can never lie...

Arnav was indeed surprised. He couldn't lie to his wife. He was waiting for a chance to tell her something. Here...it is. He made her sit on the bed and took place beside her.

Arnav: Khushi you have no idea how much I hate my father for cheating on my mother. I have even changed my surname... I don't want you to think about how you were treated. Arnav is here for you... that's what you should think ahead. Ok?

He stated emotionally.

Khushi extended her hands towards him, asking him for a hug. In no time hugged her. For Khushi's surprise, he didn't prefer to hug her chest. This time, he needed his wife over his mother because he understood that not only his mother but also his wife could make him relieved.


Next day

Khushi called Malik residence to invite Tina to the reception. She was waiting for the call to be answered. For her disappointment, someone picked the call instead of Tina. Yes... it was Arvind but there was no reason for Khushi to know that. she thought it was a servant.

Khushi: May I talk to Tina?

Arvind: Tina is in her room... you can call her on her phone.

Khushi: But I don't have her number. Could you please call her?

Arvind: Mmmm... ok. May I know who are you?

Khushi: I'm her BHABI....

Of course, Arvind could have been shocked. His BAHU is speaking from the other side. Though he knew his son's hatred he couldn't hold himself.

Arvind: How are you Beta?

Khushi got stuck, hearing BETA. That means it's Arnav's father.... Her father-in-law. What should she do now? As she is his daughter-in-law, should she respect Arvind or being Arnav's wife, should she follow Arnav's STRICT REQUEST?

There is no reason to think when it comes to Arnav. he is not only her husband but also EVERYTHING. He is a KING who made her QUEEN. There is nothing to be confused.

Without any second thought. She disconnected the call.

To be continued...

Next update on Inkitt

Angered Child

Arvind felt bad as Khushi was not interested to talk to him and he knew why. Arnav would have told about him and his deeds. She should have known how cheap he was. It was not wrong if she follows Arnav's order. Yes, Arnav would have ordered her not to talk to him. But he was glad that Khushi and Tina are in talking terms. He conveyed Tina the matter. She immediately dialed Khushi. Khushi, who was sitting on the bed biting her nails in nervous, attended the call. She was not nervous, for not talking to Arvind but how to convey the message to Tina.

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