36 Consultation

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Next Morning

Arnav was as usual getting ready for the office. A button got broken from his shirt.

Arnav: Damn it...

He said irritatingly. At the same time, Khushi entered the room. Arnav was about to remove the shirt, Khushi stopped him.

Khushi: Wait Arnavji... why do you remove the shirt?

Arnav: Button...

He showed the button which was on the floor.

Khushi: So what? Wait... I will stitch it in a few seconds.

She removed a needle and thread from the cupboard and started stitching it in his shirt.

Arnav was looking at Khushi who was stitching the button. If she keeps coming close to him, he could no longer stay firm. At the same time, he couldn't keep her away though. Is she really fit for everything? Didn't she say what Vidya told Kishan? But he couldn't trust that filthy woman, Vidya. She might have said that to make Kishan agree for marriage. He should not take her words seriously. But what if Khushi thinks he is avoiding her? Distance may create misunderstanding. But... how he could near her with fear? He decided what to do.

Khushi: Stop gazing at me, Arnavji. You don't have to think much about our relationship. I can understand. Not everything means for us. We have to adopt it. you are not wrong... we can't take Amma's words seriously.

Arnav was stunned. How did she know what he is thinking? Khushi smiled seeing his expression.

Khushi: I told you many times, your eyes are the mirror of your heart. I can read them... I don't want you to be scared Arnavji... relax...

She was about to leave, Arnav clutched her hand. Khushi looked at him.

Arnav: Could you really read my eyes Khushi?

Khushi didn't answer but looking at him.

Arnav: I love you Khushi...

Khushi: I know Arnavji...

She made him remove his hand.

Khushi: Let's have breakfast. You are getting late.

Arnav nodded yes.

Malik Residence

Arvind frowned, seeing Rahim Chacha standing in front of him hesitatingly, after serving him coffee.

Arvind: Do you want anything?

Rahim: I want to tell you something Sirji.

Arvind: Yeah tell me.

Rahim: Sir... Madam is here.

Arvind: Madam?

Rahim: Asha Madam...

Arvind: Whaaaat! What did you say?

He asked with extreme shock.

Rahim: She came here yesterday. She warned me not to say you about her presence. But I can't be quiet after hearing her talks on the phone.

Arvind: What she talked?

Rahim: She is very much angry on Arnav beta. She is planning something against him to do on his reception.

Arvind sat for a while thinking. he raised his head at Rahim.

Arvind: just show her, you are obeying her words. Don't let her know that I got to know about her presence.

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