fake wife and child

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“ Then why did you have a child with her but not with me?” [Y/N] replied back, her voice filled with devastation. 

Now that everything clicked, Muzan wanted to laugh. [Y/N] was acting like this simply because she was jealous. It seemed that one of his demon underlings informed her about his human “wife” giving birth to a baby girl. [Y/N] probably just assumed that it was his. 

Well, actually that is not true. The truth was that Muzan killed the husband of his human “wife” to take his form. The woman was already pregnant before the actual husband was killed. So the child was definitely not his. 

Kneeling down so that he was on the same level at [Y/N], Muzan pinched [Y/N]’s soft cheeks as he asked her playfully. 

“ I thought you don’t like children?" 

Pulling herself away from Muzan’s touch, [Y/N] snapped back, 

” But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to have your children.“ 

Staring at the female demon’s angered face, Muzan let out a soft chuckled earning himself a “ What are you laughing about!!!” from [Y/N].

Muzan took a few minutes to explain the truth. Within the span of a few minutes, [Y/N]’s expression changed from that of angered to the embarrassed one. Covering her flustered face with her hands, [Y/N] let out a muffled scream, amusing the demon lord. 

Slowly removing [Y/N]’s hands away from her face. Muzan put them on his hands, squeezing them gently. Leaning close to the female demon, he playfully asked,

” You were jealous. Right?“ 

” Of course I was! I was so upset because I thought you just knocked up some random mortal woman!!!“ 

[Y/N] explained herself as she intertwined her fingers with Muzan’s long slender one. Bringing her hands close to his lips, Muzan pressed a kiss on [Y/N]’s knuckles tenderly. 

” If I were to have children in the future, it would be with you, my love" 

A demon's jealousy is a dangerousWhere stories live. Discover now