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Josie anxiously sat outside of the nurses office for what felt like hours. She was worried for the raven haired girl. Why had Hope done such a vial thing, Josie asked herself. She knew Hope wasn't too fond of Penelope but putting her health in danger, no, she wouldn't, or would she? Josie desperately wanted to believe Hope wouldn't stoop so low, but she couldn't help but have a little doubt.

Josie's thoughts were cut off as she heard the door open. The nurse calmly made her way through the doorway and gestured for Josie to follow her. Josie practically jumped off the small wooden chair in no time. She was eager to see how Penelope was doing.

"Is she alright? Was it serious?" Josie hastily asked.

"She's okay Josie, there's no need to panic," the nurse reassured. "I can tell you really care about her, that's sweet." she finished with a warm smile.

A small blush crept its way onto Josie's cheeks at the nurses comment. She returned the warm smile and replied with a simple "yeah."

"Okay she's right through here," the nurse instructed after leading Josie to where Penelope was being treated. "I'll let you two be," the nurse said with a sly smile. Josie watched as the middle aged woman made her way down the hallway.

The door slowly creaked open as Josie timidly peaked in. She didn't want to wake Penelope if she had been sleeping, so she took a quiet approach.

"Hey cutie," Penelope said groggily. Judging by the way Penelope's eyes were barely half open, Josie assumed she had been asleep.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Josie asked, a small smile forming across her mouth.

"I've been better," Penelope laughed while sitting up in her bed. Josie made her way to Penelope's side and situated herself so that she was laying next to the recovering witch.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the tournament," Josie said with a frown as she remembered what had gone down. "You didn't deserve that." Penelope turned to Josie and gave her a small smile. The raven haired girl slipped her hand into Josie's.

"Hey, there's nothing for you to be sorry about, if anything your cheering gave me the will to kick Hope's ass ... you know before the whole suffocating thing," she lightly chuckled. Josie couldn't help but grin at Penelope's infectious laugh.

The mention of Hope's name made Josie wonder how the tribrid was doing. Josie felt guilty for still wanting Hope to be okay after what she had done to Penelope but the auburn haired girl had imprinted herself into Josie's life and it was going to be much harder for Josie to simply stop caring about her. What exactly did happen to students that broke important rules here. Thoughts of what was happening to Hope flooded Josie's mind. Was she being punished? Was she being questioned? Were they going to expel her? Would she be shipped off to her dad, thousands of miles away from her. What if-

"Watcha thinking about?" Penelope asked, cutting off Josie's thoughts. "Nothing, I've just been super stressed about school lately," Josie lied. "You know, I think I can help you take your mind off things," Penelope whispered into Josie's ear. The sudden change of demeanor threw Josie completely off guard. Josie felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, as goose bumps spread all across her body. "Oh?" Josie managed to squeak out. "Mhm," Penelope said, her breath hot against Josie's skin. Penelope slowly inched her way closer to Josie's lips.

"I really want to kiss you right now," Penelope husked. Josie's heartbeat began racing. As much as Josie wouldn't mind kissing the beautiful witch that was merely inches away from her, she felt like it would be betraying Hope.

Damnit Hope, Josie thought to herself.

Josie quickly scrambled off of Penelope. "I-I'm sorry Penelope, I cant," Penelope looked a little hurt. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she said. "No no no, it's not that," Josie reassured. "Then what is it?" Penelope asked. Josie faltered for a second not knowing what excuse she could use. It's not like she could say the reason she didn't want to kiss Penelope was because ,Hope, the girl Penelope hated, was currently being a cock block.

"I just have this club meeting I'm already really late to," Josie lied. "Look, I'm really sorry about this Penelope, I'll come by and check on you later," Josie said giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Josie quickly made her way out of the infirmary and straight past the nurses offices. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Josie whispered to herself as she paced up and down the hallways of the school. Josie questioned why she still even liked the auburn haired girl after what she'd seen her do. And no, she wasn't talking about how Hope choked out Penelope, she was talking about the thing she saw Hope do that hurt way more than Josie would like to admit. Josie felt as though her mind was about to explode from all the conflicting thoughts going through her head. "Why do girls have to be so confusing," Josie said aloud.

"Tell me about it."

Josie jumped at the unexpected response. As she turned around, she was met with MG's warm smile.

"You scared the shit out of me sneaky bastard!" Josie exclaimed.

"Perks of being a vampire I guess," He chuckled making his way over to me. "Anyways you seem like you're going through a tough time, wanna talk about it?" At first Josie was hesitant considering that MG was one of Hope's best friends, but he quickly reassured that her secrets would be sad with him.

"Yeah sure, I trust you," Josie said. And with that they talked about everything Josie was confused or angry about.

*Read in Niki Minaj's voice*
Uh Oh,
back again, back to back Maybach,
stack the M's.

hehe jk but i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ik it's been awhile.

What do y'all think Josie saw??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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