It's your fault - Prolog

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December 1987

Stevie was exhausted when she was back in her dressing room, relieved that soon the tour would come to an end. She didn't think she could make it through much longer. Had anyone told her just how exhausting touring was without the little energy boosts she so far had gotten from a hit of coke or another, she didn't think she would have agreed to this. Especially not under the these circumstances.

Things were different. Lindsey had left the band just before they had left on tour. And somehow, even though everyone reassured her that it wasn't, she felt guilty that he had done so. By god Stevie was the first to admit that this hadn't been as she had ever imagined things would be, but on the other hand, she couldn't be more happy about how her life had turned out so far after she had gone to Betty Ford and kicked her cocaine addiction.

"You look as if you're just about to fall asleep."

The voice she suddenly heard from behind her startled her a little. But looking into the mirror, she couldn't help but smile.

"And it's your fault entirely."

"Is it now?"


She nodded, but the smile that still played on her lips told the man that she didn't really mind. In fact he knew that right at the moment she couldn't be more happy about things.

"I don't think you really complain."

He stepped closer to where Stevie sat in front of her vanity and leaned down. His arms circled around her, coming to rest on her belly.

"I don't think I can hide this much longer." She whispered.

Her hands came to join his, but her head turned and she leaned up a little, wanting, and getting a kiss.

"I don't exactly know why you do."

"I want to have this just for myself for as long as I can."

"How very selfish of you, Miss Nicks."

It caused them both to laugh. Even though Mick introduced her every night as Miss Stevie Nicks, she wasn't anymore. Not even to the public. Things had changed so fast that sometimes she didn't know if she was actually awake or dreaming. She had gone into rehab, not thinking that one year later she would be married and pregnant. And especially not to the man she was.

"Oh, while we're already talking names..."

"You know?"

Now he was surprised. They had agreed on not wanting to know.

"It was very clear all of sudden."

"So what do we have, a little twirling gypsy?"

He guessed so from the way she was beaming up. Stevie hadn't made it a secret that she wanted a little girl.

"No, I guess I'll have to wait for that a little longer. But knowing his daddy, and given fifteen to twenty years, he'll be a little heart breaker."

Just wanted to put this one out already. Any guesses on who Stevie's mystery man is?
And thanks again, cytobl for the idea.
Xoxo, Dani

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