Lindsey's newest conquest

697 18 16

Dance rehearsals 1997

Stevie quickly rushed back into her dressing room, fearing she was going to break down laughing right in front of everyone if she didn't. And she didn't want to break down in front of Lindsey. Not when he, or rather the current woman at his side, was the reason why she feared she couldn't keep quiet.

"Steph, what...?"

Tom saw his wife bursting through her door, her face actually red from her fight to hide her amusement.


It was all Stevie managed to get out before sinking down on the soft and breaking down in a fit of laughter.

"Care to tell me now why you came in like this?"

Tom sat next to her, still looking at her as if trying to understand what had happened as to send her into this state.

"Lindsey's newest conquest."

She couldn't fight the giggles while thinking about it.

"What's with her?"

"I think now he's gone... I don't know. I mean this girl could be his daughter. And hadn't we been a lot different than everyone else in our generation, this girl could very well be our daughter."

"I don't understand a word of what you say."

It wasn't that he didn't understand the context. It was that Stevie was still fighting to keep her laughter under control, and was failing, miserably.

"She's twenty seven."


"Oh? That's all you have to say about this?"

"What do you expect me to say?" Tom wanted to know.

"I don't know, but something more than oh. You know something that tells me that I doesn't let me think that my husband might run off with a girl that could be his daughter."

"I love you, Steph. You should know that."

Tom didn't know if she was just teasing him or not. The look on her face was serious.

"I hope you remember that when the next young girl comes around, trying to hit on you."

"You're teasing right?"

He had to make sure Stevie was actually only kidding.



"Just to make sure that you remember that you love me."

"And the part that is teasing?"

"The part that is kidding knows perfectly well that you love me and that all these young girls are of none interest for you."

She leaned against him, enjoying the moment they had for themselves. Karen had taken the kids today, why Tom had accompanied her to her rehearsals she didn't know, but right now she didn't mind. It was a very welcomed change to just have a moment with her husband while things had already begun to get stressful. And she knew that with the upcoming reunion tour, things would get more intense. After all the five of them had last really shared a stage fifteen years ago.

She didn't know how the tour would turn out to be. All she knew was that this would be the first time that she didn't have her family with her. Tom would stay at home with their kids, while she was gone. And it was a thought Stevie hated already. It had been a reason why she had already let go off her wish for a family before Tom and she had happened. But then, things had finally fitted. She had believed that they could make it. And they had. Stevie had quitted the band, only toured twice within the last seven years. During the rest of the time, she had just been home, taking care of her family.

Now things were changing. She would be apart from her children, from Tom. Right now she had no idea how she was supposed to live through that. But there was something else as well.

So far she had been able to keep a certain distance to Lindsey. Stevie knew that while the tour went on, the distance would get smaller. All she hoped was that Lindsey was serious enough about his new girlfriend as that he wasn't particularly interested in getting too close to her again. She knew she loved her husband, but even after ten years of marriage there was still a part of her that wanted Lindsey back. And with both of them being a part of Fleetwood Mac again, being forced to spend time together, and being somewhat close again, Stevie feared that they would fall back into old habits.

Finally noticing what she was thinking about, she stopped herself from continuing to go there. She was married, but more important, Tom and she had two children. And she wanted them to grow up with both parents being a part of their lives, everyday. She didn't want them to live through seeing their parents fighting, and separating. She couldn't give in. And with the thought of her babies in the front of her mind, Stevie told herself that she could get through the tour without getting into bed with Lindsey again.

What do you think, should she or shouldn't she? I'd love to see what you think. ;) Have a great day.

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