The First Flight

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After showing the stewardess my ticket, I walked through that rickety, terrifying, God-forsaken tunnel, finally releasing my breath as I stepped onto the plane. The dreaded tunnel from the gate to the plane always made me fearful of it collapsing, with me in it. Shaking off my irrational fears I began walking down the aisle, looking for my seat.

3D...7D....11D......18D.....Ahh, 24D.

Tossing my duffle in the overhead compartment, I slid into the window seat and stuffed my back pack by my feet. After about another hour,we were finally in the air, and my mind was back at ease. Relaxing, I pulled my notebook back out and continued to stare at this oddly familiar face. I had drawn a man, who appeared to be in his 40's. He had ebony black hair that was full of curls, and unnerving emerald green eyes. As I continued to stare into the transfixing eyes I noticed slight flecks of brown, causing an overall appearance of perfection. I found myself thinking, Get a grip Skye, just because he looks familiar doesn't mean anything. Goodness, for all you know, you could've met him at the grocery store!

Trying to move my mind to a more pleasant subject, I pulled out my music, again, and slowly drifted into a light slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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