Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Where on Earth do the Fallen Ones Fit in?

The Philosophers' Guild, comprised of the Crones and the Chars, were convinced that the only way to help people out of the mess into which they had sunk was by offering a viable alternative to the egocentric consciousness that dominated their reality. Once or twice a year, the Crone and Char groups would meet to discuss strategy. In spite, or perhaps because they were so different in character and approach, they had found much to be encouraged about. Undeniably, however, in the last couple of decades these meetings had not been upbeat. There was a growing sense that their efforts were running out of steam and that they were probably going to have to try something radical.

"The problem," said one Crone, "is that people's dependence on media is now so strong that they are falling prey to what we used to think of as propaganda." The Crones and Chars stirred somewhat nervously in their seats. Everyone knew that the political propaganda of totalitarian regimes in the first half of the 20th century had played a key role in creating the conditions that had led to two World Wars.

"Let us look at the situation soberly," the Crone went on. "Because without a solid understanding of what we are dealing with we are going to be powerless to prevent it from getting worse.

"The first development we noticed was the diminishing attention span. Also, popular culture that has gone from being based on words and listening to being visually based. Back in Shakespeare's day, audiences went to 'hear' a play at the theatre – to hear, not see – because the theatrical experience was created by the magic of the words. There was a minimum of scenery and props on stage and actors would describe the locations of scenes using the power of language.

"All this has now changed," she went on.

"Children were read to from books, and books were a widespread form of entertainment for children and adults. The same demographic groups who were reading for entertainment in the 1960s are now watching TV, films and playing computer games. Not only has the language moved far into the background, but with it also the power of imagination and the ability to empathize with others and to make connections. Powerful and influential people in the world already know this and tend to become readers.

"I feel honour bound," said the Crone, "to admit a serious error of judgement.

"It would seem," she continued, "that we were so focused on the issue of egocentrism as the main defining human trait that we simply did not consider other possible explanations for the persistent aggression and depravity we found in most human societies throughout the world's history.

"We must now admit this error, because not to do so would be to jeopardize not only our whole mission, but possibly the whole future of humankind."

"Are you telling us," asked a Char, "that human egocentrism did not happen by accident?"

"Yes, that is what I am saying," the Crone answered.

This news was so momentous that for a few seconds no-one even dared to breathe. The speaker, sensing this, did not rush this moment of revelation. It was a lot to take in.

Another Char people interjected: "Before we get carried away with all this gloom and despondency, perhaps you should just tell us how you reached this conclusion."

"I was just coming to that," the Crone.

"When I say we were blinded by our own assumptions about the human psyche and how to address it, what I mean is that the Philosophers assumed that human egocentrism was a random aberration of nature. Given the danger that it poses, not only for the human race itself, but for the entire natural order on Earth, the aberration hypothesis – that egocentrism was a freak of nature, if you will – seemed the best explanation. There was a brief pause, before the Crone spoke again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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