Chapter 1 - "Vanilla is boring and tasteless"

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Welcome to my life. You're lucky I'm letting you read about it, but I warn you, it's not very interesting. I'm happy with my life, so I don't care if you're not.

Let me introduce you to the people in my life. First we have my mum and dad, the wonderful people who brought me up. Thanks for that by the way. Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that so-yeah. Thanks. Next we have the other member of my family, my brother. You may have heard of him, he goes to Korea National University of Arts in Seoul as a drama major. His name is Kim Seokjin. My parents always fawn over him because he goes to a prestigious school and - I hate to admit it - because he's handsome. Then we have my best friend Yang Jeongin. A year younger than me, but in the same year because of his intelligence. Always laughing or smiling, constant sunshine. Yep, I love him a lot, but I would never tell him that. It could ruin my reputation as a cold, heartless monster. My other best friend, Jeon Jungkook, has to be included in this list. I've known him for 11 years, and he's still good at everything he attempts. It's infuriating, because I suck at pretty much everything. My relationship with those two, is very much a brother-type relationship. I don't do girl friends. I wanna say it's because of too much drama, but that's not true, I just don't really get along with girls. I've had a few girl friends in the past, but I don't think they like me. Maybe it's because I'd always put Jungkook and Jeongin first. Maybe they were jealous. Who knows how a girl's mind works. I certainly don't. If I were to describe my friendship with those two, I would say Jeongin sits back and films while I do stupid things, and then we both sit back and watch as Jungkook does even stupider things. In terms of friendship as a whole, I'd say it's an incredibly healthy relationship. That's the people in my life. I love them so much, more than they know because I'm not one for telling people I love them. I just have to hope they know. I do hope they know. Anyway, this is getting boring. Welcome to my life - again. Let's get it.

"Yah, Jungkook! Hurry up!" I screamed and he ran to catch up with Jeongin and I who were bounding down the street hand in hand.

"You could have waited." He said panting slightly, as he caught up with us and grabbed my pinky. I squeezed his in return.

"But that's not as fun." I grinned at him, and his eyes crinkled into a smile.

"Yah, now I have to tell you to hurry up!" Jeongin said.

"We're literally walking at the same time." I said pointing my eyes toward our linked arms.

"Whatever." He grinned.

"I want ice cream," Jungkook complained. "How far away is this shop?"

"Not that much further."

"Well it'll be dark soon, so we need to hurry up."
"Is that all anyone can say?" I wondered aloud.

- Time skip -

"Give me a bite." Jungkook opened his mouth expectantly.

"You have your own. Eat that." I covered my ice cream protectively.

"Please." He begged, his doe eyes becoming wider. I sighed.

"You know just how to manipulate me, don't you." I scooped up some ice cream and spooned into his mouth.

"Mmm. Mint chocolate." I shook my head.

"You child."

"What about me." Joengin said. I groaned, but spoon-fed him too.

"Honestly, it's like having two kids." Jeongin and Jungkook smirked at each other like the little brats they were.

"Let me try yours then." I said to Jeongin. He gave me some, and Jungkook attempted to do the same, but I stopped him.

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