how it happened

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3rd person pov
(also major swearing)
"FUCKING STUPID CHILD GET AWAY FROM ME!" y/n's father said while pushing her "but daddy! i want something to e-" "EAT THE FUCKING DIRT OUT SIDE"her father screamed at her as he was giving y/n a black eye y/n cried and went out side when she was in the grass she saw her mother "mama!can i get something to-""remember ugly bastared no real food for a week" the mother cutted her and grabbed her arm to put out her ciggeret the burning feeling to y/n was painful y/n cries more and her mother hits her on the side of the head "fucking shut up mistake" her mother said and walked into the house y/n chrls into a ball and cried why dose she have to live in a hell hole?
later at night
when y/n was in her room her parents burst in no not opening softly just BANG stright to the door "hey fucking mistake were going to the bar ya better stay in here or else" her father said  and they slammed your door and the front door thats when y/n had a idea next time when they go out she can get out her window she looked at her window its close since there house they lived in was FUCKED up  she remembered what her mother said 'i would not even care if she ran away' y/n smiled "im running away alright..." she just said and went to sleep
next morning
"hEeEyYy uGlY bAsSStErD" she heard her  father said to her a bit drunk "MmMmAAkKe us SsSssssooOomme foOd" he said y/n nodded and went to the dining room and make them pancakes when you put them on the table they yelled at you "THIS IS SHIT!" her parents said to her and bruised her y/n went to her room with no tears what so ever she's really tired of there shit
later night
when her parents left she grabbed her backpack and opened the window and stepped on the grass or the first time...shes free...
y/n pov dashed towards the side walk and ran as fast as i can.they won't see me anymore but somehow some people are still out at 12AM
cause i bumped into a woman "oh! hello little one whats your name?" a lady in a purple button shirt in a skirt said "m-my name is y-y/n" i said then a guy with a hardhat said "tell me why are you out here by yourself?" i looked down and said "im running away from my abusive parents..." they were shocked "well sweetie my name is miss pauling and he is engineer" the woman said "ya can call me dell if ya like darlin" engineer said miss pauling picked me up and saw the brusies and fresh cuts  on me she frowned "i bet you want a new family right?" i looked up to her and nodded she looked at engineer and he nodded too "alright then lets go" she said as she started walked somewhere...

after we got there i saw 8 other people in the living room "MERCES FORM!" miss pauling said to the others and they dashed into a line"ay miss paulin why ya have a child?" a boston accent said "she was running away..." she said "from vhat! nothing to be afriad of her parents!" a german accent said miss pauling looked at me i shook my head by saying don't tell them please she nodded "well all i have to say was...she has brusies on her" all of the people went into shock "i'll have to talk to the anouncer if she can stay..." she said the anouncer???who tf is that anyways she handed me to engineer and waved goodbye as she was gone all eyes look stright at me "engineer can i cover and heal those wounds i see" the german said "yeah doc sure" engi said as he was giving to to the german walking me somewhere "where are we going mr?" i said to him "don't vorry frau i will fix you up" he said i smiled and nodded "and jou can call me zhe medic!" he said as he softly smiled at me as we reached to his room he sat me down and pulled out some medical supplies i looked at something that's glowing red "whats that?" i said pointing at it he looked and smiles "oh vhats my medigun it can heal any type of damage,sadly i can't use it on jou cause it might hurt a bit and it can only heal people up to 18-99"he said i nodded.Then a dove flew on my head and cooedwhen medic turns around he quickly put the things on his bed and yelled "archimedis!no!"as he was shooing itand it flew on the table "sorry frau about zhem they just want a midnight snack"he said chucklingas he was putting  bandages on me he ask "so frau vhy did jou ran avway from jour family?" i looked down and said "i-i've been abused..."i said weakly he was shocked then snapped out of it and said "is it ok if i tell zhe others?" i thinked then i nodded "it's alvight frau there gone rest jour head,it's time for bed" medic said i nodded and layed back on the bed and fell asleep deeply by how comfy the bed was
medic's pov
i walked y/n out in my arms putting her in the extra bedroom that we have incase something like this happend i closed the door and walked to the dining room where the others still talking about her "got anything doc?" scout said i nodded and sigh "frau...she vas abused by her parents..." i said and the others gasp "well oi think it's time to say that we have to do somethin with her everyday" sniper said and the others nodded "doc can i be the first one to play with her?" scout said to me "i guess" i said back and he sofly smiled "well guys end of meetin its time for bed" engi said we all nodded and went to our rooms...

(REALLY OLD) book 1: tf2 x abused!reader Where stories live. Discover now