beach day

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y/n pov
i woke up in my normal bed.feels good to be back .i went to the kitchen and saw everyone talking "heya tuts!are ya ready?" scout said.I didn't even hear a single word about what they were talking about "what?where we going?" i said "y/n!were going to the beach!" pyro said i suddenly got up fully and said "really?" smiling they all nodded i smiled and ate breakfest.
timeskip to 12 pm
after we got the things we need we went into snipers camper,exept spy he used his own car.everyone in the back was talking about what they were going to do first "I am gonna swim first!" scout said i looked at pyro who isn't talking to anybody i sat next to him and said "are you gonna swim too pyro?" he shooked his head and said "I-Im k-kinda insecure about my body showing off to others" i frowned a bit but then said "its ok pyro nobody will stare at you!" he lighten up and nods the car stopped and as soon sniper could open in,scout bursted thought the door "BLOODY HELL SCOUT YA ALMOST SLAM MAH HEAD ON THE DOOR!" sniper shouted we all laughed as we got out.As took off my shoes and putted my feet on the ground.Hey its not so ba-AAHHHHHH HOLY GOD ITS HOT!I jumped and dashed to the water the 9 mercenarys were cool in the i went back to the mercenarys i went on my beach towel as everyone was doing there thing "cmon y/n! come in the water!" scout said i suddenly remembered something and gulped
i got pushed on the ground and got a big bruse my dad walked up to me and said "stupid child get up!" i tried to but then he pushed me half way throught "your the reason why your sister died!" i cried alot father then grabbed a razor blade and start cutting deep wounds.I screamed for help but then i blacked out...
end of flashback
I started shivering curled into a ball the first one to see me like this was scout he rushed out of the water and said "GUYS!GUYS COME BACK Y/N IS SHAKING" all the mercenarys came rushing to me "y/n!frau! are jou ok!?" medic said i tried to speak but i couldn't tears begian to stream down "sniper bring y/n to jour camper! i'll be there in a second!" medic said to sniper.he nodded and picked me up
as sniper and medic was with me medic soon said "y/n what has happen?" in a soft tone i softly said "memories...they came back..." "wot got ya to get the memories?" sniper asked i gulped and said "when scout said to join in the water i got scared cause i think everybody will judge me by the scars i have..." medic looked at the scars and said "nien!don't say that vemember vhat jou said to pyro?" he said "I-i said nobody will look at you?" i said "yeah and did anybody look at him?" sniper said i shook my head "see if jou did the same it will do the same to jou!" medic said i looked at both of them and smiled a bit "theres the happy ankle biter!" sniper said "come on guys lets go!" i said going to the beach agian.As i went to the beach scout hugged me and apologized "its it scout" i said i went into the water looking side by side.Nobody is looking at me!but why do i have a feeling they do?i went into the water and swim.I found some seaweed underwater and saw scouts leg.i went up and get some air and went down agian.i grabbed the seaweed and brushed it on scouts leg i went up agian and he stand still for a moment i did it agian and he then said "DA HELL IS THAT BRUSHIN ON MY LEG!?" me and pyro snickered as the others laughed
as everyone got out of the water To get some ice cream.we went up to the truck "hello!my name is rod!how may i help you?" the masked person said "howdy there" engi said as he was ordering "coming right up!"rod said as he was getting the ice cream.he gave us all our ice creams and engi paid.everyone got there favorite!we sat down om our beach towles talking.I finished my ice cream and looked behhind me "hallo frau!" i heard i squinted and surprise surprise it was the other team agian i waved and said "hi joseph!" then the others turned around and waved.they all have there necklaces on how adorable.i went on my phone for a while cause the others were talking to the other team on there  phones.
"cmon turs were goin back" scout said i looked and nodded i waved goodbye to the other team and went inside the camper.
timeskip  agian-
when we went home and everyone changed they all did there normal things now as I,went to bed and sleep...

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