a day with the enemy team

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yes the admin agreed to putting y/n with the other team since she is a child she need protection thanks!
y/n pov
i woke up still tiered from what happen last night as i walked down the hall seeing the merces just drinking coffee i guess nobody's is hungry nethier am I went to the living room and rested my head on my hands in exhustion i letted iut i big sigh that everyone heard they all looked at me and frowned dallas walked up to me and said "hey y/n it's ok how about all of us can go somewhere fun to lighten the mood?" i looked at him then the others,They were smiling in joyness i shook my head and reasponded "i...don't feel like going anywhere..." "aw cmon y/n! the carnivel sounds fun right?" jacob said i lighten up and nodded "well then let's go now they open up in 12 mins!" mason said we all nodded and went inside mason's camper...exept jacob cause hE cAlLeD sHoTgUn anyways,as we were driving to the carnivel i asked dallas "hey dall,what do your team usualy do on ceasefire days?" "well we read,talk,and nothing to reckless,what about ya team?" he asked me i laughed "were just reckless really" i said and jane laughed "I bet,one time I saw your scout running away from heavy!" he said i laughed I still remembered that time.After telling some funny stories we heard a knock on the door then it opened "alright guys were here!" mason said we all got outand went to the ticket booth "ah hello!im aussuming 9 adults and...c-child!" the person said what the matter with them never seen a child before? "I-I remember somebody or two s-said if i see a child looking like th-at then the c-child is free!" they all looked at me and i shrugged.after they paid they asked me "how come you are free?" "hm maybe my sniper threaten them agian..." i said then mason said "agian?" i looked at him a laughed a bit "he kinda threathen the zoo aswell" i said mason did the 'this is why i have to look after him' face i was waling around til i saw...wait is that aunt (A/N) (aunties/name) ! ? she was a mercenary too and cares so much about me she also said she dated one of the mercenarys (4th wall break to my tf2 x reader?) she saw me and waved "Hi y/n-wait don't tell me your part of the R/B team!"  i laughed and said "oh no im on the other team like you auntie!" "aww thats sweet...wait wheres the other team?" she questioned i looked at dallas and he nodded "well ya see there kinda in jail-" "OOOO MA GOODDD WHY'S THAT Y/N!?" aunt said "it better be ya parents who started it" auntie said i nodded then she sofen up a smile "don't worry sweetie,there in jail getting beaten up  by them ok?" i lighen up and nodded soon a biy came to her "yo babe,who are they?" he said "oh don't worry b/n, (boyfriend name) they are mercenarys and that child is y/n!" she said he looked at me and smiled "well hello there y/n"
after talking
we all splited up and now stuck with dallas and vic we talked about what's gonna happen for the rest of the day "then we can all go for some ice cream!" dallas said "maybe when tomarrow when ur team is out we can spend the rest of zhe hours with us!" vic said i smiled til i see the others came back "heya y/n!Me and Aj (enemy's pyro's nickname) won ya this stuffed animal!" jacob said as he was handing it to me it was a purple teddy bear i smiled and thanked them "well i think it's time to go guys!" mason said,as we were walking to the camper a car drive infront of us it was some kinapper who just said "hey little girl i have some free candy in my van" i had a bored faced and pointed up to the mercenarys he looked up and starting to shake "ya guys go,me and aj will have a lil talk with this person"dallas said we nodded and left them.as we got to the camper we started to drive to the base.i decided to skip dinner and stright to bed cause i was tired joseph went into my room and saw me sleeping i opened my eyes a bit so he won't see me im awake still he smiled and said "sweet dreams y/n" as he closed the door i was almost asleep until i heard jacob yelled at his team "BUT I DON'T WANT HER TO LEAVE SHE'S TO WHOLESOME!" i chuckled a bit and soon to fell asleep...
yeah sorry if it was short

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