Chapter 2

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"Ally! Let's go, you're going to be late!" My dad called from downstairs and I looked at Fury who was accompanying me as I did my hair and makeup.

"Lock up," I said simply and Fury flew to his cage. I followed and locked the door behind him.

I grabbed my back pack that was full of binders and other stuff that my dad had bought for me. I rushed down the stairs and my dad looked me up and down.

"Could you wear more expensive stuff?" My dad asked, even though I know he was joking.

"I only have expensive stuff," I said as I walked past him and out the door to the SUV we had. I could hear my dad sigh and follow me. We drove in uncomfortable silence until we reached the school.

"Try not to accidentally put the name 'Ally' on any of your stuff, alright?" My dad asked as we pulled up to the school.

"I'll try not to but honestly, no promises," I said with a sigh. I took my time unbuckling my seat belt. I looked out the window and saw at least two hundred people milling around outside of the school. I gulped and opened the door. My dad called a 'good luck' to me before pulling away.

Nervous, I walked to the doors of the school and entered. I weaved my way through people that paid absolutely no attention to me. Granted I was short for my age, 5 foot 2 inches, but the fact that no one noticed me was almost shocking.

Then I realized my normal blonde, curly hair was now a light reddish brown and straight.

I followed the signs to the school office and was brought to a room that was quite large and several people were milling around in, probably teachers.

"Hey hun, what can I do for ya?" a lady asked me. I swallowed nervously before answering.

"I'm new here. My name's Sky Gurder," I started quickly, trying out the name on my lips for the first time. The lady nodded and then grabbed a file off of a table labeled with my name. They had obviously been expecting me.

"Okay, here's your schedule. Your four classes of the day are biology, advanced algebra, English, and choir, in that order," she started saying where each class was located and I nodded then headed to the biology classroom.

When I got there, there were about six people seated at high tables. I tried not to direct my attention to them and I approached the man seated at a desk.

He looked up and a smile brightened his face and he said, "Ah, you must be Sky! I'm Mr. O. You can sit at that table right there," he said pointing to a table in the middle row on the far left. I nodded and sat on the right side of the table.

"Hi!" a girl that was standing right next to me said. I jumped a little and felt my heart speed up.

"Sorry. I'm Chelsea," she said. I smiled at her.

"Sky," I said and then the bell rang and several more students came through the door and sat down. A boy with chestnut brown hair sat besides me and I could feel him looking at me.

"Okay so you guys are going to have to get to know the people you're sitting besides because within the last few days, I've noticed how much you guys aren't connecting with each other. Today take the time to sit and talk with your table partner," Mr. O said and sat down at his desk. At first the class sat in surprised silence but then talking erupted from the tables around us.

"Well then. Since I don't even know your name how about we start with that?" my table partner said and I turned and looked at him. He had his whole body twisted towards me.

"Sky Gurder," I said simply. The boy's eyes were a brown with flecks of gold in them and he stared intently at me.

"I'm Miles. Dinheiro," he said and then finally broke eye contact to mess with his pencil.

"Have you always gone to school here?" I asked, looking around at the people around us. They were all conversing as if they had known each other forever, which they probably had.

"Yeah. If you were wondering, we don't get many new kids here. It's a high ranked school. You pretty much have to be related to someone famous to get in," Miles said and I froze for a moment but when Miles started laughing about it I relaxed.

"Uh yeah. I noticed. I've been trying to get in for a while," I said. I could feel the gaze of several eyes on me and I struggled to act like it didn't bother me.

"Where you from? Were you home schooled or are you from out of state?" Miles asked and he looked back up at me.

"Neither really. I had a private tutor," I said and Miles raised his eyebrows.

"You must have a famous relative then?" he asked, as if it was a question.

"My dad had a job that took us everywhere. He didn't have time to teach me himself and we bounced around too much for me to stay in a public school," I explained. It was technically half true.

"What does your dad do?" Miles asked and I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Music business."

"Is he a singer?" Miles asked, looking even more impressed.

No I am. I thought but instead I said, "More like he works for a record label. Signs musicians."

"That's cool. You meet any celebs?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You have no idea," I said and then looked at him and said, "What about you? How'd you get into the school?"

"My mom is the principal," Miles said with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Oh. . . that's. . . fun?" I said, but it came out as more of a question then a statement.

"Sure, if you like being related to the least favorite person in the school," Miles joked and a genuine smile crossed my face. I looked down to try and hide it.

"What's your deal? Are you just a new girl that's trying to blend into the crowd?" Miles asked and I shrugged.

"Something like that," I sighed.

"Well I hate to say this but," the bell rang and Miles stood up, "That's not going to happen with you."

As Miles made his way out of the classroom I stared after him with a look that I couldn't quite figure out.

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