Chapter 7: Courted by The Devil

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Bright lights ignited from the biggest building in the property complex. It was definitely less crowded than when I first arrived, but the people around were putting on grouchy facial expressions.

Like something sharp was shoved deep inside their assholes.

Oh right. Lycan attack.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here? I'm kinda underdressed."

"Relax, it's just dinner. We won't involve ourselves in pack meetings. Let's just leave that to the higher ups," Alex interrupted as he pushed open the glass double entrance for us. Earlier, I was told how the banquet got moved to another date. Apparently, the situation was quite dire ever since a lycan managed to sneak through their premises.

To make matters worse, Bloodwood Creek, the territory of Bludwood pack is the neighboring area of this small territory. Oh, did I forget to mention the Alpha of the mentioned area is Cal? There was something about him that made other packs cower in terror. Everyone seemed to despise him except for his own relatives.

Geez, I wonder why.

Hint — sarcasm detected.

"Since when you're such a gentleman?" Corrine mocked him while flipping her hair, accidentally slapping him across the face. "Oops."

He glared at her once we stepped inside. "Welcome to the pack house," Alex shrugged. "Ours is better, but this one's not so bad."

I still got tons of questions to ask regarding werewolf lores and its secrets, but they refused to fill me in. Insisting someone else should have that honor.

Inside, nosey strangers eyeballed me with eyes so wide, they looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. A couple of elderly figures even threw sympathetic looks at my direction. At that time, I assumed words had spread regarding my little adventure a few nights ago.

The wooden floor creaked under my foot as I made a beeline towards the dining hall. This time, I took the time to observe this cozy place more carefully. Mounted elk heads decorated the opposite side of the hall. There were nine of them with the biggest one placed in the middle. Its antlers got thirteen spikes each and barely touched the roof. Those elks were bigger than usual, but this one took the word 'massive' to a completely different level.

"Here, take this," Corrine handed me a plate filled with pulled pork sliders enough to feed three adults. "Go upstairs and find the room with double doors."

Luckily, the elegant spiralled stairway was porched outside the dining hall. Anyone wouldn't be able to miss it. I ascended those stairs groggily whilst balancing the plate on one hand. When I finally reached the top, my eyes were greeted by another hallway. It was definitely more spacious as numerous black doors were occupying my left and right, similar to a hotel. At the far end of the hall, a white double door was built proudly against the sturdy wooden structure of the lodge. It contrasted the whole color scheme of the building.

A clicking sound grabbed my attention. Looking up, I saw the back of a man who seemed like he just exited the study.

"Cal?" I whispered more to myself, unsure of what to do.

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