Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: That Sinking Feeling

Robert darted off, leaving the old woman with the ambassador at Bluebeard's Crypt. He turned toward the mansion, waving his arms. He saw the glass door swing open and shouted,

"Get it while it's hot!" then ran off into the woods with Bill and Tom. For as short as his legs were, Bill could move those suckers fast. Robert turned to see him keeping pace. He looked past, beyond Bill to see a whole mess of baddies coming for them.

"Give 'em the ole sidewinder, boys!" He called to the others. Tom, who was in the lead, began weaving in and out of the trees as he ran, and the other two followed. Robert had lost all sense of worry and even confusion at the situation. Though he seemed to be the last to do so, he'd finally come to terms with the situation. Or at least, he more or less ignored the ridiculousness of it all and was waiting to awake in his bed, realising the whole thing to be a dream. For now, he knew he was, for once, doing something not for profit, but the common good. It was true, Sally had the best chances of slipping away unnoticed, thus she could find Pearl and get the information while the rest distracted the bad guys. He wasn't sure about Abigaile and Nitrokoff, but he was pretty confident in his and his confidant's chances. To face facts, he and his pals had gotten out of a lot stickier situations. He didn't feel what he was doing was noble, or even some sort of defeated sacrifice. He instead felt a little selfish, taking all the fun. He loved the chase; the excitement and the thrill of the ultimate gamble: life or death. It was exhilarating.

"Hey fellas," he called, "remember how we shook the Ponoducci brothers?" He put the lantern down.

"Alright, let's split!" Tom said, darting off.

Robert took off and leaned up against a tree, only a few yards from the lantern. The others had done the same, not far away. The villains slowed to a stop at the lantern, each inquiring,

"Where are they?"

"Which way did they go?"

"They were just here!"

Robert then heard Bill's voice,

"I think I see 'em!"

Robert called out in a deep voice,

"Is that them over there?"

Tom then chimed in,

"Look, over that way!"

The Sinisters took the bait.

"Where? I don't see them?"

"Wait look, down over there"

"I see them! Come on!" Robert heard them storm off. After a moment, he said,

"Alright, they're gone. Roll call"

"Over here," said Bill, stepping out toward the lantern.

"I'm here," said Tom.

"So," said Robert, "I guess we head back to the spook house now?"

"Not just yet," said Tom, pointing out to the deep forest. Robert looked out to where he was pointing. Out in the distance, he saw someone walking out amongst the trees. It wore a light brown tuxedo with matching pants. The man was walking cautiously, like a blind man without a guide. His most notable feature was announced by Tom.

"Ain't got no head"

"D'ya think he's one a'the husbands?" asked Bill.

"Well who else could he be? We got at least a five in ninehundred and ninety nine chance that it is," said Tom,

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