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 Jaebeom was casually sitting on the dorm's couch, reading a book Jinyoung had offered him, when he heard that annoying sound again: Yugyeom's laugh. Why was he so angry about it? For he knew what caused him to laugh. He got up from the couch, and walked towards Jinyoung's bedroom, his angry chin making an appearance. When he opened the door, he found what he was expecting to see: Yugyeom lying on the bed, Jinyoung on top of him tickling him breathless. JB saw red, when the youngest stopped in the middle of his fun, looking absolutely terrified, and Jinyoung looking apologetic. JB death stared them one after the other, and without a word, left the dorm.

Jinyoung sighed, while Yugyeom was looking at him worriedly. "Hyung, wait!" Jinyoung ran after JB, and left the dorm in a rush. He went to the agency, where he knew JB would have gone. He went to JB's favourite room: it was a small old room, with just a table, a chair, and a small couch. When Jinyoung opened the door, he saw JB sitting, too focused on his work to notice him (or at least that's what he was pretending).

Jinyoung quietly looked at what was JB was doing. "Are you writing lyrics about being cheated on again?" Jinyoung said, half-amused half-sorry. JB didn't even spare him a glance, and kept on writing. It wasn't the first time that Jaebeom was having a jealousy crisis, but this one was stronger that the previous ones. He was probably fed up by all that skinship between Jinyoung and the other members. They were all very close, but to him there had to be limits, Jinyoung was his boyfriend, not theirs'! They had already talked about that issue, but Jinyoung never changed his behaviour, and JB had had enough.

However, Jinyoung was also starting to have enough of JB's jealousy. He kneeled next to JB, and put a hand on his lap. "Hyung, we were just playing, you know how Yugyeom is ticklish and playful..." JB showed no reaction at all. Jinyoung knew that spending time with Yugyeom and playing together would piss JB off, but that's the reaction he wanted. "Because of the schedules, I spend little time with him, and since we have no promotions right now, it's one of the few times when I get to be with him a bit." "And what about me? Why don't you spend time with me instead of him? You cheat on me right in front of my face!" JB snapped, still not looking at Jinyoung, his face becoming red out of anger. "We literally went on a date two days ago, what are you talking about... Plus I wasn't cheating, we were just playing, there's nothing more" "Not cheating?! You were on the same bed, how is that not cheating?" "Oh you mean what you do every night with Youngjae?" Jinyoung replied harshly, finally spitting out what he had been holding on for such a long time.

Jaebeom finally turned his head towards him, dumbfounded. "The two of you sleep in the same bed every night, in the room right next to mine. Ever since you started rooming together, you two got really close, so much that some fans even ship you! The wall between our rooms is very thin, you think I can hear everything that goes on in your bedroom? Maybe I'm too close to Yugyeom, but at least I don't sing him a lullaby every night for God's sake! You never sang for me, but you do it every day for him, how is that fair?!" Now it was JB's turn to look apologetic and Jinyoung to be angry. "You know why we share the same room, I'm the leader and..." "That's bullshit and you know it! You could have easily get a bunk bed, you didn't have to sleep on the same futon! Plus you're the one who decided to share a room with him, when you could have chose me as your room-mate!"

JB was at loss of words, and was staring at his feet while playing with his fingers. Jinyoung's voice became calm again, and his hand was soothingly stroking JB's lap. "Come on, tell the truth, why didn't you want to share a room with me?" Jaebeom was looking conflicted, as if he was having an inner debate about what to say. After a small thinking, he eventually decided to tell the truth, even though he was scared. "Because I thought that if we were room-mates, you would get used to me, and you would fall out of love with me... Whereas if we were more separated we would see each other less and it would feel more special... And I wanted to make you jealous by sleeping in the same bed as Youngjae... I feel ridiculous now" JB hid his face in his hands, dying of embarrassment. 

But he didn't get to see the victorious look on Jinyoung's face. After all this time, he had finally managed to make him spit everything out. He pecked JB's temple, and hugged him tight. He felt so relieved to have finally cleared this out. "You can be so stupid, how could I ever get tired of you?" He let out a small giggle. JB looked at him pouting: "Stop making fun of me. I still don't want you to be that close to Yugyeom like that again."

 "I'll do it only if you accept to sleep in the same bedroom as me. Youngjae wants to move out anyway." Jinyoung said mischievously. 

"What?! No! I can't do that!" 

"Than I'll keep on doing skinship with Yugyeom, and with Jackson, and with Mark, and..." 

"Fine! I won't sleep with Youngjae any more, but I won't sleep with you either, not yet at least. To make things even, we can share a book shelf if you want." 

Jinyoung looked back at him, agape. He eventually let out a small laugh "It's just a matter of time before we sleep in the same bed. When we get married you won't have a choice anyway" Jinyoung winked at JB who blushed. 

Jinyoung's face became serious again: "Please don't show how close you are to Youngjae on camera, I can't bear the fact that some people think or hope that you are together." 

"Fine, but you have to do the same." JB looked determined.

"Yes I promise, I will make sure that the fans start doing compilations of me death starring Yugyeom!" Jinyoung said, scarily serious, while JB fondly smiled.

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