Not-so jealous Jade

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Sorry, I didn't update in a few weeks, I am just trying to keep up with online school and stuff. This is the chapter I have been wanting to write for a while so I finally did it. Hope you enjoy. (FYI, a little bit of Bori but it's only for this chapter)

Beck POV

Jade and Moose have been going out for a few weeks now and it makes me gag. I mean, Jade just moved on so quickly and she acts like she doesn't miss me at all. Sometimes I wonder if she does?? The only good thing that's really happened is whenever we practice they play, Moose always looks SUPER jealous!

Play practice

"I love you, we can do this together, I promise" 

"But, but, you hate kids?!" 

"But I love you, We can do this!"

"Okay, I love you too."

"CUT!!" Sikowitz yells. 

Jade and I turn towards him with confused faces. 

"I thought we were good??" 

"You guys aren't truly loving each other, You're not selling it! This play is supposed to have it's opening night in a week and you guys can't love each other! You are/were the Hollywood Arts power couple!" Sikowitz yells.

Jade looks almost sad like she knew that we still liked each other but she didn't want to say anything. I could see the hurt in her eyes from miles away. 

Wait, what if I make Jade jealous! Like date someone else!! PERFECT!! She could realize her feeling for me and then we would be back to Bade!

During lunch

Jade is sitting with Moose. 

Cat, Robbie, and Andre are at our normal table.

And I was with Tori talking about my plan. 

Tori POV

"NO!" I yelled


"I am not going to pretend to have feelings for you," I said to Beck 

"But it's just for a few weeks, please," Beck pleaded. 

"FINE! But if Jade kills me I'm blaming you" I warned. 

"Thank you!" Beck kissed me on the cheek and ran off. 

I am left sitting alone so I can just think, should I do this? I mean Beck seems to really want to make Jade jealous but what if me and him actually fall for each other! That would be something. 

Sikowitzs classroom

"Today we are doing alphabet improv, Beck, Jade, Tori, and Moose come up here."

We all walk up feeling a bit awkward. I mean Beck still likes Jade, Jade is dating Moose, I like Moose, And Moose likes Jade. 

"The scene will be about Beck and Jade reuniting after ten years and Tori and Moose will be there boyfriend and girlfriend. Also Jade and Beck like each other" Sikowitz explains. 

No one's POV

Jade: Aren't you beck, that guy I dated in high school?

Beck: Beck I am, your Jade! I am so happy to see you!

Moose: Can you back up! She is my girlfriend.

Beck: Does it matter, I love her.

Tori: Everyone calm down, 

Moose: FYI, I am not going to let this crazy person hit on my girl! 

Tori: God, is this true Beck! 

Moose: However many times he denies it, I know he will be lying. 

Jade: I for one, think we are making a big deal, 

Moose: WHAT!?

Sikowitz: Your out, Tori your letter is J.

Tori: Jade, do you still like Beck?

Jade: 'gives her a look' 

Tori: Kidding. 

Beck: Let's just try to get along with Jade, okay Tori. 

Tori: I AM! 

Tori: I know I'm leaving. 

Jade: My god it's just us. 

Beck: Now you can tell me how you really feel. 

Jade: Okay, I still love you, and will always love you. 

Beck: Please don't tell my girlfriend but I love you too. 

Jade: Quick, pretend we are just talking!

Beck: Really, who's there?

Jade: Someone, I thought it was Tori. 

Beck: Tell me you love me

Jade: Understand that you can't tell my boyfriend that I said this but I love you. 

'Beck and Jade kiss' 

Jade POV

I kiss Beck and he kissed back, It was like no one else was in the room. We did this for 20 seconds or something but then I pulled away and sat in my seat next to Moose. 

Moose was eyeing Beck like he wanted to kill him. I held his arms back and put them around my shoulder. 

Finally, the bell rings and I rush out of the classroom and walk home. I just want to be alone. 

The next day

I walk in with Moose hand in hand, He drove me to school because my father wouldn't give me my keys. 

I see Beck and Andre talking about something so I casually listen. 

"I am dating Tori now," Beck said.

"Dude you know I like her though, right," Andre said, acting very tense

They started whispering and I couldn't hear anything. My heart broke. I knew Beck liked Tori! I knew it forever and he always denied it. 

Tori walks in and kisses Beck on the cheek. I was furious so I walked up to them and that made them stop. Beck told me Tori was his girlfriend and couldn't help but almost start crying. I ran to the janitor's closet and just cried. 

After missing first and second period I decided I wasn't going to let Beck get to me. 

Beck POV

I hope this plan works and Jade doesn't take it the wrong way. 

During lunch, I sat down next to Tori and kissed her cheek. She flinched a little but I didn't see Jade mad at all! She just sat down next to Moose and started eating... Weird. I could also feel Moose giving me the stink eye and ignoring me. So yeah, there was a lot of tension. 

When Cat and Andre walked up, Cat gave me and Tori a confused look and Jade a sympathetic one. "What?" Jade said, "Well Tori and Beck are dating... It doesn't make you feel uncomfortable??" Cat asked. I just put my head in my hand. Great, more tension.

I could see Jade out of the corner of my eye and her facial expression didn't change, She just simply said,

"No, I mean any of us should be able to date anyone right??" 

"But, you and Beck, and, Bade, and..." Cat said. She almost looked like she was crying. Well, that makes sense, she helped us get together. 

I couldn't believe my plan wasn't working!! I mean I thought she would at least ignore me but she just acts like we never dated and have never loved each other... 

It hurts. 

I just figured out how to dedicate my chapter to someone so this chapter is dedicated to @-Faliceiscanon-. Thank you for voting and commenting, I will be updating soon. 

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