Maybe friends?

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Hello, I know I kind-of left my story as a cliff-hanger so I wanted to update ASAP.  Well kind of... I hope you enjoy it.  Sorry Moose wasn't in the last chapter much, he just didn't fit into the plotline. This chapter will switch POV quickly so... yeah,

Becks POV

2 hours ago

Me and Jade were doing the play really well I was just about to kiss her when all of a sudden a sharp pain hit my head. I fell and the last thing I remember is Jade hovering over me crying.

 Present time

All I can see is darkness, people are around me and I hear muffled voices. I want to open my eyes but I can't, I want to move but I can't, I want to tell whoever is crying beside my bed that I'm alright and that I'm here. 

The person who is sitting beside the bed gets up and sit's on the edge of my bed. She starts talking and I instantly recognize it. Jade

Jade POV

"beck, I'm so sorry this happened to you, you didn't deserve it, or me. I just want to say thank you for getting me through a tough time in my life. You were there when I needed you most. I love you, I have and always will, even if you want to purpose to Tori," 

I say, trying to hold back the tears just spilling out my feelings.

"I'm just sorry, I know you never loved me and I know that I might never do everything that I wanted to..."


"Okay bye Beck"

I rush into my house and quickly pull out my diary, I take a look at my bucket list and smile, I write Marry Beck then, put it back and dream about the amazing date we just had. 

End of flashback

Becks POV

She wanted to marry me?! The girl of my dreams wants to Marry me?! And Jade still likes me?! Then using all of my strength, I move my hand to intertwine with Jade's hand. She smiles and I can tell she had been crying.

She leaned in and for those 5 seconds, our lips touched and it felt like we were back together again. Then Cat walked in...

Cat's POV

I was waiting outside of Beck's room while Jade was in there. I wanted to gave them privacy because I knew they both still loved each other.  

Then I decided that I wanted to see Beck because I was an independent unicorn who could walk into a room and make their own decisions. 

I walk in and I see Beck move his hand towards Jade and her face instantly smiles, She leans in and I try not to make any sort of noise that will make them see me. I wanna see them back together so watch in awe.

Jade moves her hand towards Beck's cheek and I know what's coming next, THEY KISS!!! And I can tell they are both smiling. Then I squeal a little and they both look over at me, whoops.  

Moose POV

Okay, I'm coming clean, I made sure that thing fell on Beck. I just didn't like the way he looked at Jade, I mean, she was finally mine and he still likes her!! Like, I knew I wanted her when I first saw her so now I'm making sure she is mine. 

I might seem like a monster but I'm really just jealous, like Jade. 

Beck always got everything, including Jade. Now he has nothing... 

Jades POV

Shit, Cat just saw me kiss Beck. 

"Hey Cat, how long have you been standing there?" 

"Long enough!! YAY!!! BADE FOREVER" She yells 

"Cat, Shut up, I don't know what you saw but I am dating Moose and it was just the heat of the moment." 

Both her and Beck look at me and I leave the room, I just need to be alone. 

The next day, No one's POV

Beck walks into school and see's Tori, she turns around and starts talking to Andre, who is confessing his feelings toward her. 

Beck was more focused on finding Jade, and he did, in the janitor's closet. 

Jade looks at him then back down to the ground, feeling guilty for kissing him knowing he loves Tori. 

"Jade, I'm not purposing to Tori, we broke up," Beck said.

"Whatever" Jade said, not interested

"So about the kiss-"

Jade cuts him off "I have been thinking about it too, We should just be friends" 

So, Beck got friend-zoned, what's he gonna do about it?? 
Thanks for reading and voting and thank you 
@therealandresgrandma For Commenting and voting, I know the chapter isn't long but the next one will be my favorite one to write. (and it will have some smut...)

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