Chapter 1: Knives are a snack too

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I am, in an instant transported to a brand-new place a million times brighter and more beautiful than where I just was. Straight away I look to the people and at what they wear. Plain clothing, mainly tunics and pants for the men and the women seemed to wear plain, basic dresses, nothing too fancy. It is all simple, easy. I then use my power and change my clothes within a blink of an eye, gone is the gorgeous, flowing dress I arrived in, as I now wear the simplistic, boring dress of those around me. I start on my way down the road, towards what seemed to be a marketplace of some kind. The portal well and truly closed, all that is left is the centre symbol, a wyvern, drawn in my blood.

I start down the street I see people whispering, staring at me and sneering. I pull my hood up higher and hurry along not wanting to start something or create a scene. As I walk I start to look at the locals closer, I see humans and fae. Mingling together as if it was always that way. I smile and start to envy them. Wishing it could be that way where I was from, but it never will. As I continue down the street I see washing and rugs hanging from windows, and flags and streamers of colour hanging from every available archway and crevice. I hear the mothers yelling at their children and drunkards declaring their love to each other. 

As I walk even further down the street, I start to see the marketplace grow around me, and I look around watching it grow and become denser as I walk towards the centre of the square. In the distance I can finally make out what seems to be a castle with a horde of wyverns circling one of its towers. And  The surrounding vendors appear to be selling everything from fine jewellery and dresses to swords and amour to meat and fruits. I hear people yelling prices and deals, and see children trying to see if they can steel small fruits from the bottom of vendors carts without being seen.

Wandering around some more I see a vendor selling sets of knives and walk over. "How much for the set of knives I ask"admiring the craftsmanship and detail in the deadly blades.

"Who's asking" the vendor replies somehow looking down her nose at me while she is half my high.

"Yes, Who is asking?" I turn around to a dark haired man standing behind me with a darker look on his face. "Who are you and why are you here?" He asks in hushed tones.

"No one. I am but a weary traveller looking through your market for a snack." I reply wondering if this man is the king of this realm or but a young lordling looking for favour with his monarch. 

"Why are you looking at throwing knives then" he asks and I have a feeling he is becoming suspicious of me.

"Can't I stop to admire a pretty blade" at this point in our conversation the vendor has turned around and begun to polish some of her blades that are on display

"Why don't you come with me, and we can discuss certain blades and their uses." He has a gleam in his eye, one that promises pain and death.

"I think I might stay here for a little while longer. Thanks for the offer though, enjoy your days" I start to walk away intending to leave this world as soon as I get the chance. 

"You are coming with me." He tries to grab my arm and pull me to him probably, so he can take me with him to whatever he calls his job, but a move at the last second evade his grasp, and I jump away. 

"Oh am I now" and with those final words I sprint off weaving in and out of crowds and groups of people with the hope that I would be able to lose him. I run and turn behind a building, and let out a long breath finally having lost him after about half an hour of being chased. 'He is certainly fast' with that thought I straighten my cloths and walk off, going to find a place I can stay the night.

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