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There was nothing left, just soot and charred bones

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There was nothing left, just soot and charred bones. Diana, Bellamy and Clarke had decided to hunt after concluding that they only had enough food to last two weeks at the most. So they stood in the dropship preparing to head out, Diana held her gun Isaac standing beside her.

"Each group takes someone with a gun." Bellamy stated to the delinquents.

Diana nodded. "Guns are for killing Grounders, got that?" They grunted and nodded in response. "Do not use them for food, we don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can." Bellamy watched the girl carefully, after speaking with her he knew more than he needed, but he also knew now that her mother helped his own. Even though Aurora had once tried to kill her own daughter, Bellamy loved her, she gave him a sister, she gave him responsibility, a purpose. Diana's mother had even tried to talk Kane out of floating Aurora, Bellamy knew that Diana had a right to hate him, he had a right to hate her, but she never wanted him dead and that was something he was grateful for. If Diana had killed him that night, he would have never gotten to see Octavia again. "Be back before nightfall, no one stays out after dark." She instructed then walked out of the dropship, Diana wasn't going hunting, she was going to stay and watch the camp.

"Diana." She turned around seeing Bellamy.

"What do you want to now?" Diana asked watching Clarke, Finn and Myles leave camp. Bellamy saw her hands grip the gun in her hand tighter.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He told her making her give him a look of confusion. "You're parents are gone, you're family-"

"Isaac is my family, Bellamy. These kids, they are my family now." Diana cut him off angrily. "Who knows, maybe one day your ass will be added to the list." She said sarcastically, shaking her head.  "Look all I'm saying is that, I don't need the pity, it happened. People die everyday. It's time to get used to it." With that Diana left him alone standing with a dumbfounded look on his face. She went back into the dropship and sat down, now all she had to do was wait.

Hours had gone by, everyone was back except Clarke, Finn and Myles. Raven entered the dropship. "You finished the walkies?" Monty asked.

Raven handed him one then gave another to Diana. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier." Raven apologized to Monty after taking apart the radio to finish the walkie-talkies. "Really, and about your family."

Monty nodded towards her. "Thanks. So all the hunters are back, except Clarke and Finn." Raven's face hardened, her fingers curling into her palms.

"Okay." Was all she said before turning away and beginning to leave.

"Raven wait." Diana called to her as she was about to exit the ship. "They were another kid, Myles. They all left camp together." Raven turned around, her eyes shifted between Monty and Diana.

"All three of them are still out there?" She asked, now feeling dumb.

Monty stood. "Yeah. We're going to look for them. Bring the walkies." Diana nodded then left to go find Isaac. She entered his tent, the boy's face was buried in his hands.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" She asked sitting next to him rubbing his back.

Isaac looked up, he hadn't been crying but he was visibly stressed. "What if the Grounders get them, wh- what if she's dead?" Diana's face softened as she pulled her best friend in for a hug.

She kissed his head. "We'll find them, Isaac. I promise, hey, look at me." Diana removed herself from the hug, grabbing his face. "Your princess will come back in one piece, you should stay here, you're in no shape to be out there, okay?" He nodded, then laid down facing away from her. Diana threw a blanket over him then left.

She ran into Bellamy who held a rifle in one hand and a radio in the other. "You ready to go?" He questioned.

"Yeah, let's grab Raven and Monty, and head out." Diana said, walking with him to the dropship.

Raven and Monty were standing on the ramp with Octavia. "Finally," Raven breathed out. "Let's get going." Diana's eyes met Octavia's for a second before the brunette turned away, being the first out of the gate. She looked at the graves as she walked by. Fourteen. The number rang in her ears, worried that if they found the bodies of their friends that the number would soon be seventeen.

After deciding it was best to split up, Diana was now with Bellamy. Octavia and Raven were looking together, Monty had gone on his own after being told to stay close seeing as it was dark, it had been fifteen minutes since Monty had gone off by himself. "I thought you said you were heading West? Where are you?"Monty's voice crackled through the radios Diana and Bellamy had.

Bellamy unclipped the device from his belt to answer. "Just keep the moon to your left and you'll find us." He told the boy, putting the radio back so he could hold his weapon with both hands.

"He's lost, that idiot. I knew he should have stayed with us." Diana rolled her eyes, then instinctively looked behind her then into the trees, however it was too dark, she couldn't see a damn thing and it frightened her.

Bellamy shook his head. "Just calm down, he'll find us." He too began looking around.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty questioned, Diana reached for her radio to answer but then Raven's voice came through.

"Just keep your eyes open." She ordered.

Diana and Bellamy shared a quick look as they stopped walking. "I think it's the same thing we heard in the black box." They didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

Bellamy sighed, annoyed as he brought his radio to his lips. "Damn it, Monty, pay attention." He snapped. "Do you see anything?" After a few beats of silence Bellamy growled. "Report." He nearly shouted, making Diana quickly shush him.

"There's someone in the bushes." Raven's hushed voice sounded to them.

Diana hit Bellamy's shoulder. "Come on." She took off in the direction she knew Raven and Octavia were, Bellamy on her trail.

They showed up as Myles told them that Grounders had taken Clarke and Finn. The were arrows sticking out of the boy, one in his leg another in his chest. "Take it easy." Bellamy told him. "We have to get him back to camp." Raven shook her head.

"What about Clarke and Finn?" She asked Bellamy, her eyes then landing on Diana.

Diana looked at the bleeding boy on the ground. "Raven, I'm sorry. We have to get him to camp." She watched the girl nod.

"We need to make a stretcher." Raven backed away to find supplies.

Bellamy then started calling to Monty. "Monty we're heading home. You copy?" Monty didn't answer, worry beginning to run through all of them. "Monty, can you hear me?" Again there was nothing. "Monty? Monty, where the hell are you? Report." 

Diana ran her fingers through her hair. "I fucking knew it was bad idea." She said lowly, Octavia's eyes lingered on the worried girl, wanting to comfort her but not knowing how.

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