Chapter Three

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I slowly came to. I was still in my seat, my bag at my feet. There was a rustle of papers and sat up more. Bradshaw was awake and staring at some papers. Sage was awake too, he sat in the seat farthest from all of us, staring out the window almost longingly. I frowned. Uneaseness ran through me.

"Jackson, hope you slept well. We will be landing with the next ten minutes" said Bradshaw quickly covering the papers he was looking at.

I frowned buck shook it off. Knowing Bradshaw if what ever he was looking at was important he would tell us. I got up and stretched out my five foot seven frame.

I glanced out the window and saw that it was snowing. I groaned.

I picked up my bag and went to the bathroom. Taking off my tank top I tossed it aside. Pulling on my long sleeved balc shirt I put on my leather jacket over top. Taking of my pants I pulled on my jeans and then put my combat boots back on. I knew anyting else we would need would be shipped to us so for now I was SOL about the boots. Brushing my wavy hair I left it hanging down my back.

Leaving the bathroom I felt the plane begin to descend. When I walked back into the main sitting room I saw everyone was up and pulling on their layers of warmer clothing. even though we were werewolves, we weren't invincable to the cold wheather.

"Okay men as soo as we land we will be driven straight to a tavern that the council had bought for us. There we will prepare our weapons and then create a plan" announced Bradshaw as we all waited for the plane doors to open.

A prickle of warning instantly swan through me and I reached for my gun instantly. Something wasn't right. My wolf was worried. As the door opened Bradshaw went out first. Gun fire sounded through the air and Bradshaw shouted.

"Vampires!" as he started firing his weapons.

I could smell his blood and knew he had been hit.

We all reacted on instinct. I ran out of the plane, leaping over the railing. Spinning I aimed my gun at the nearest vampire and fired. I knew the silver wouldn't do anything though. Using the gun to distract the vampire I charged, running toward it, pulling out my stakes from my bag and tossing it aside. The vampire saw me coming and attcked. Ducking under it blow I delivered a solid punch to its stomach. Sliding to the side I caught it's arm as it tried to hit me. Going for it's chest I drove the stake right through its heart. Its skin started to shrivel and all the veins showed. Leaving the stake in it I grabbed my other one and started running to the next.

"Jackson hurry up!" shouted Edwards as he ran toward one of the cars that had pulled up.

They were retreating, we were not prepared for the vampires to be here when we landed, therefore we didn't have the supplies we needed. I duct the vampire's blow, kicking it in the side I caught it off gaurd. Blocking its attack I parried around and pushed off with my left foot driving the stake through its chest. Then shooting as I ran I made my dash toward the waiting SUV. I was almost there when Sagecaught me and I stumbled. Rolling I tried to face him but was to slow. He was on me, and so were the vampires. He was a traitor. I saw that the SUV rev and it sped away in the opposite direction, leaving me behind.

"No!" I shouted.

They left me. Bradshaw always said they never left a man behind and they left. They left me to die.

"Kelly, stop stop!" shouted Sage.

He stood above me. The vampires had me pinned. But unlike all the other vampires I had killed these ones were skilled, conrolled, and not crazed with blood lust.

"Traitor, you traitor!" I shouted as I struggled.

The more I moved the more I hurt. But if I was going to die then I was going to die fighting.

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