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roryblake logan and i have been laying in bed all day watching movies, and it's been super relaxing

tagged loganpaul

view all 4,271,356 comments

user1 they are the cutest

user2 i wish i was quarantined with my boyfriend

user3 she still looks fucking gorgeous

user4 i love her purple hair

user5 they are actually the cutest couple ever

loganpaul come back and cuddle with me babe

roryblake i'm finishing dinner for you bubby, but after we eat we can cuddle i promise @loganpaul

loganpaul good you better give me cuddles or i'm going to be a sad boy

roryblake awww logie @loganpaul

user6 i love them so much

user7 my favorite couple ever

user8 my parents

heybigmike can you guys please stop kissing? it's disgusting @roryblake @loganpaul

roryblake no we can't. deal with it buddy @heybigmike

loganpaul yeah what she said @heybigmike

heybigmike ouch you guys are such bullies @roryblake @loganpaul

roryblake oh whatever you love us and you can't deny that @heybigmike

loganpaul yeah you wouldn't know what to do without us bro @heybigmike

heybigmike fuck you guys are so right @loganpaul @roryblake

roryblake duh i'm always right @heybigmike

loganpaul yeah she is always right. it's useless to even try to argue with her @heybigmike

heybigmike so i've learned

user9 what the hell is this comment section

user10 i need more pictures of them together

check out my new bryce hall fanfic!! also check out my new jaden hossler fanfic!!

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