Day 1.

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A/N Sorry for not updating, I decided to post all of the chapters I currently have, but I might not continue this for a while. Bye!

My first day here. How fun. I survived 1 night out of the 180 left. I have to wake up at six, do absolutely nothing for a few hours, and then eat breakfast at eight. Two hours. Two! I hate waking up early to absolutely nothing. Well at least I can talk to the people who are in the cabins around me... Oh wait nevermind they're ASLEEP, CUZ NO ONE LIKES TO WAKE UP EARLY EXCEPT MEEEE. UGHHHHHHH. It's finally 7:30, the time that the guides wake everyone up. Finally. That felt like forever. The guides lead us to the area we have breakfast. Beside me the 'popular girls' gossip, the 'less popular girls', laugh, and the 'not popular girls' keep to themselves, the boys, well they're being boys and then there's me. The social outcast. The "Weirdo." That's my life. Everywhere I go I'm the weirdo, and at this point I've learned to accept it. We eat breakfast and go back to the cabins to start the activities. Physical activities. Ugh I hate those. Not like I have a choice though. We play dodgeball, soccer, basketball, and we do obstacle courses. Thank god that they only lasted a few minutes per game. Once it was finally over, I got to sit and relax in my cabin. The cabins were so thin you could hear what other people were saying, of course as long as they're being loud. And if you met my summer campmates you would note. They are not even close to loud. They are much much worse.

"She's such a loner"

"Yeah, and a loser"

"Who would want to be around her?"

"I can't believe they let her in here"

"I feel horrible for the people who have to share her cabin"

"I know right!"

Those are the things that I heard from the people around my cabin. I could also hear the name "Addison" thrown in and out. How fun. At this point I'm used to it, from being bullied at school. No one ever liked me, so I just never talked to anyone. And it seems that if I don't talk to anyone, everyone still hates me. It's a lose-lose situation except in one i get to be alone. So that's how it is. 1:00, lunch time. More people. 'Yay'. This is great, just great. After lunch, we have more activities. But this time it's arts and crafts. I think its just dumb that they make the physical after breakfast and the calm ones after lunch. Why. Just why. Oh well, it's not like complaining is going to make this any easier. 5:00. Finally time for dinner. The whole cycle of the guides trying to get over 100 people in the same room and to feed them all food in a period of 2 hours. That's really difficult. Especially since people push each other, and other stupid stuff like that. It's really annoying. After dinner, we go to our cabins and stay there for 3 hours until the guides tell us to go to sleep. 179 days to go.

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