I Hate Your Friends and They Hate Me Too

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Hazel's POV

The next day I had plans to hang out with some of my friends who currently lived in Los Angeles, and since Austin didn't really have anything to do at the moment, he came along with me.

I had met my friends Kate and Gabby through the fashion industry. Kate was a model that I met at one of my fashion shows there in LA a year ago. I usually didn't really interact socially with the models, but Kate and I had gotten to talking and we just clicked really well. I met Gabby at the Art Institute in LA where we were in the same fashion design classes. After I had introduced them to each other, they also became friends and the three of us would get together every once in a while when we weren't busy. I tried to see them anytime I was in LA, and sometimes they would fly out to Las Vegas where I lived to see me.

Austin got along with them fairly well, but I knew he didn't really care all that much for California girls. He'd sort of come to hate California in general, especially LA, so he had a bad taste in his mouth about anything having to do with it. And I understood where he was coming from, some Cali girls could be a little much sometimes. Kate and Gabby were a bit vapid, but overall they were cool. I was pretty different than them in a lot of ways, but I still didn't have a hard time getting along with them. But then again, I'd always been the type of person that could be friends with anyone no matter what they looked like, if they were rich or poor, or if their personality was cool and collected or weird.

Austin was mostly like that too, and being the big sweetheart he was, he came along and hung out with us girls. Austin had always been very comfortable in his sexuality, so he never had a hard time hanging out with girls. I mean, his best friend had been a girl since Kindergarten. We did everything together. He was very boyish and now was super manly, but at the same time he could have girl-talk and he had even played with dolls with me when we were young.

The only thing that concerned me about Austin and my friends hanging out today was that Kate and Gabby had been getting on my ass recently about Austin not committing.

We were all sitting on the balcony of Gabby's fifth floor apartment, looking out at the view of the city. The sun was shining down on us and the light breeze felt good on my skin. Kate, the beautiful blonde model she was, sat in the chair directly across from me. She was radiant. Gabby, with her long, pretty black hair, sat in the chair next to Kate looking gorgeous as well. Austin sat next to me, looking sexy as usual, smoking another cigarette being the chain smoker he was. I was smoking one too, trying to relieve the stress I was feeling because of the tension in the air.

The four of us hanging out hadn't been going as well as I thought it would.


Austin's POV

I was feeling agitated but I tried to let it go as I leaned back in the chair with yet another Marlboro between my fingers.

Gabby and Kate were pretty hot, but too fake looking to be my type. I couldn't help but notice earlier when we were inside that Gabby kinda thick and got a nice ass though.

When we first got there Kate and Gabby were immediately checking out Hazel's appearance and making comments. Telling her she'd look great with even thicker hair and she should get hair extensions and how she was in desperate need of a boob job. I loved her smaller sized boobs. They weren't too small, they were perfect. Thankfully I knew she would never get one and she just laughed off their comments.

Kate sat their silently judging me with her bleach blonde hair and I could tell that she had just gotten her lips done. Her tan was fake, her eyelashes were fake, she had no smile wrinkles which told me she'd gotten Botox, and her heels looked too high to walk in. But Gabby was irritating me the most, going on about how her ex-boyfriend and her apparently broke up because he was afraid of commitment. She was telling Hazel about it because she was comparing me to him. She talked about the comparisons as if I weren't sitting right there hearing every word, and I'd had enough so I butted in.

"You know what I mean, Hazel? Guys think they can just string us along and fuck us and then when we catch feelings they act all surprised that we did."

"Gabby." I chimed in. "Can you please stop talking as if I'm not sitting right here?"

She situated herself in her chair so she could face me more. "Alright, fine. Austin, I think it's bullshit that you won't commit to Hazel."

Hazel looked uncomfortable, sucking down on the cigarette I gave her.

I sat forward and put my elbows on my knees and looked Gabby straight in the eyes. "I think that's between Hazel and I."

Gabby flipped her hair with sass and I almost rolled my eyes but I stopped myself. "Well if it's just between the two of you, why does she feel the need to vent to her friends about it when she gets upset?"

"Gabby, it's fine. I'm fine. We don't really needa talk about this right now." Hazel said.

"Hazel is my best friend. I've known her since I was five years old. I think my commitment to her is pretty fucking obvious, don't ya think? I've been by her side my entire damn life." My voice sounded harsher than I intended, but I was annoyed.

Hazel reached over and put her hand on my arm when she heard my tone.

"You know that's not what I mean, Austin. I'm not talking about the fact that you're best friends. I'm talking about the fact that you use her to get off." Gabby spat the words at me.

I stood up straight and threw my hands in the air. "Aight, I'm out." I said and headed for the door to get inside. I almost made it to the front door to leave when Hazel caught up to me.

"Austin." She said and put her hand on my back.

I looked back at her over my shoulder. "It's not your fault, shawty, I just can't hang out wit them anymore."

She sighed. "I'll leave with you. Just wait a second so I can say goodbye to them."

I took a deep breath and waited for Hazel to say goodbye to her LA bitches. I liked her friends in Vegas way more. They were chill.


Hazel's POV

I apologized to Kate and Gabby for leaving so suddenly and then Austin and I made our way down the stairs to wait for our Lyft outside.

"I don't get why you hang out with them. Boob job? Really?" Austin huffed.

I knew they must have hit a real nerve in him, because he hardly ever got annoyed. It took a lot to get him there.

"You know I would never get one. I'm fine with the way I look." I said and put my hands over each of my breasts.

"Yeah, but why would they even make that comment? Seems rude, like they're making fun of your tits."

I shrugged. "I don't know that they're making fun of me. It's just their lifestyle, they like to talk about appearance." There was an awkward silence before I spoke again. "Sorry about that, by the way."

Austin rubbed his temples. "You and I know what we are. They don't needa talk about our relationship."

I cleared my throat. "Well... they're not necessarily wrong, Austin."

Austin looked like he was about to say something but then our Lyft driver pulled up. We hopped in, and not wanting to continue our serious conversation about our sex life in front of the driver, we remained quiet the whole drive back to the hotel.

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