Endings and New Beginnings

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3rd Person POV

"Please!" Garmadon's voice was still audible from inside the cat as Lloyd and his team ran towards Meowthra and the people were starting to surround the area behind them to cheer them on,

"Go, ninjas, go!"

"Hip hip hooray! The cat ate Garmadon!"

"Now all we have to do is take out the cat and Ninjago is saved."

However, Lloyd didn't seem to agree with the crowd as he made eye contact with his uncle as he gave him a knowing look, even as the people continued to shout from behind him,

"Get him!"

"Take out that monster!"

"Blast that cat with your awesome hand powers.

"La-Loyd! Please help me!" Lloyd could still hear his father's pleas as Meowthra started shifting in place as though it felt guilty about eating the warlord.

"Oh, I can use my fire. But is that too much?" Kai suggested, but with some second thought to it.

"Or I could blast him with my water. Cats hate water." Nya input.

"Guys... I don't think..." Aeria trailed off as she saw Lloyd speak to Wu,

"You were right, Master Wu. I need to walk the path that only the son of Garmadon can walk." Before he walked forward and took off his mask, revealing his identity to the whole city.

"Oh, my gosh! The Green Ninja is Lloyd Garmadon?"

"Lloyd!" Koko cried out after she managed to push her way through the crowd to the front, but was stopped by Wu before she could go any further.

"All we have to do is scare off Meowthra and we've won." Jay tried to reason, but Lloyd responded with a quiet,



"Uh, Lloyd, where are you going?" Kai questioned as Lloyd continued to walk forward.

"Lloyd? Come back." Zane tried to advise him, but Aeria held out an arm to stop the others from either following him or prevent him from going forward.

"Let him go..." Aeria quietly told the others, who looked at her in disbelief,


"He's doing the right thing..." She lifted her mouth into the tiniest smile conceivable as she watched him try to coax the cat to him, gripping onto her brother's hand with a tight grip from her anxiousness nonetheless, but she trusted her friend with his decision.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Yeah, come here." Lloyd called the cat to him with a few whistles and tongue clicks, earning another shout from his mother,

"Lloyd, no!"

"It's okay. He's got this." Wu held her back and assured her as her son kept going toward the cat.

"That's a good kitty. You're okay. Yeah, you're okay." The cat got close enough to Lloyd to where his hair was blown back by a single breath, but he continued to urge the cat to come to him, until his hand was right on her nose, "Yeah, yeah, that's a good kitty. What a sweet, sweet kitty. Everything's gonna be just fine. Hey. I know it. I know it. You don't mean to destroy everything." Lloyd sighed before he continued, this time, it became more apparent that it wasn't the cat he was talking to anymore, but his father inside,

"When, uh... When people look at you, they see a monster. But I know that you just feel scared and alone. I know how that feels. To be judged unfairly. So, um... I just wanna say that I forgive you. And... I'm sorry. When I said 'I wish you weren't my father,' I didn't really mean it. What I... What I should've said is..."

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