Bonding Experiences

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Aeria's POV

I could hear the singing and feel the abrupt yet rhythmic jolts of the surface beneath me before I even fully opened my eyes.

"~We've got Garmadon~

~And these random kids~

~We are going to kill them~

~Oops, we shouldn't have said that.~"

I opened my eyes to see that I had been shoved into the cage with Lloyd and his dad as we were making our way through a crumbling village filled with the fired generals. As I sat up, groaning while rubbing the back of my head where I was hit, I heard Garmadon order,

"I command you to release me, my son, and his girlfriend. That's an order, Generals."

"Not his girlfriend." I groaned out as I started to stand up, Lloyd grabbing my arm to make sure I didn't strain myself too much.

"You alright?" Lloyd asked me after he hesitantly let me stand on my own as I put a hand to my forehead.

"Yeah, just a little groggy... and my knee is killing me." I sat back down to rub the knee that was throbbing and felt like it was on fire as Garmadon started "commanding" his general,

"~I can't hear you!~" One general sang out.

"I said, I command you to release us."

"Hey, the reason Bob can't hear is 'cause his eardrums blew up after you shot him out of the volcano!" Another general explained pointedly.

"~I can't hear you!~" Bob sang out again before the second general mocked,

"You stupid butt!"

"What? Can you believe what they're saying? It's like I'm being treated worse than anyone in the history of the world. A good thing you never have to experience anything like this, La-Loyd. You either Purple Ninja."

"Violet..." I growled under my breath as Lloyd told his dad sarcastically,

"Yeah. Yeah. No one ever says mean things to me when my dad knocks over their Pilates studio-"

"-their waxing salon or kayak repair store-" I added in before Lloyd finished with,

"-or that place that sells toner cartridges."

"Mocks the color of your uniform as if it was already hard enough for a girl to be taken seriously in a team with only two other girls." I spoke bitterly as I took my cloth belt and wrapped it around my knee as a makeshift bandage.

"And you better believe no one ever makes fun of me, for not knowing how to throw or catch a ball."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa hehe hold on I know it's funny, but what kind of jerk would make fun of you for that?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"You gotta stand up for yourself, and shoot them out of a volcano. That's how I roll. You gotta get yourself a volcano, kid."

"Pfft Yeah. Blowing stuff up and never putting it back together. That is what you're best at, isn't it?"

"I still can't believe you were the one to go to my parent's wedding." I mumbled, but Garmadon must've heard me because he remarked,

"Tiny Ri Ri? I knew I recognized you!"

"Hey, only my friends get to call me that!" I shot back defensively.

"Yeah, besides her parents who..." Lloyd added but he could tell he made a mistake bringing them up as I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my sleeve quickly.

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