unsteady//rye beaumont

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"hold onto me. 'cause im a little unsteady."

when brooklyns sister comes to live with him and his band for a few months and slowly starts getting unwanted feelings for her brothers best friend.
disclaimer: swearing, suicidal thoughts/scenes, depression and self harm. if youre triggered by any of this please step away now, i dont want you to be triggered. but if not, mint, continue on. also, i dont know roadtrip personally, sadly, so if i dont get their personalities spot on, im sorry. also, i dont keep up with the band anymore, so this will be with mikey, andy, rye, brooklyn and jack because thats how the last version was. im also canadian and dont know british slang or anything so i apologize for that. thank you for listening to my ted talk.
daniella gibson

***daniella gibson

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river lee

vikki cavanagh

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vikki cavanagh


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unsteady//rye beaumont(rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now