twenty four.

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Two months past and it was time that Rye told the roadies about him leaving. All the guys sat around the camera with Blair as they explained everything. Rye did leave out the fact that his priority was me, just because he knew I didn't want to put our relationship on the internet yet.

During the couple months, the guys have been helping Rye get an apartment. The one he found ended up getting taken, but we found one similar. It was just a little less fancy.

Also, after our night spent at the hotel, I've been a lot more comfortable with my body around Rye. He ended up seeing the scars on my legs and didn't judge me at all. He told me all these sweet things and that made me feel a lot better with them.

Not to mention, we've been fucking a ton. Mostly when the guys were out or sleeping. Sure, I've had sex with a few guys in the past, but they didn't compare to Rye.

I also thought about it hard and I was sure I actually loved Rye. I knew I was still young and never really knew what love was, but I talked to River about it and he helped me see that Rye was who I wanted to spend my life with.

Speaking of River, Vikki ended up moving out, but he was still his happy self. The first couple week were rough for him, but he soon got better and is now enjoying having an apartment to himself.

I wanted to pitch the idea to Rye about moving to Canada, mainly because I'm starting to miss it. I miss cruising around the back roads at 3am and drinking Timmies. But, he had more of a chance with his dream here so I kept it to myself.

I sat behind the camera as they all explained everything to the roadies. They kept joking around and I could tell they were all very awkward. When they finished, it was time to start packing.

Mikey sat back and edited the video. They wanted to keep the editing to a minimum just because it was that kind of video. Once it was posted, he joined us in Rye's small room that probably couldn't fit us all comfortably.

Rye and I were set to move in a couple days, but we thought it would be best if we didn't leave everything to the last minute.

I could tell Rye was excited. Sure, he was sad to leave the guys and I was a bit sad to not see my brother everyday, but I also knew that there would be many visits here later on.

"Dani, catch." Jack tossed me a small box and I realized it was that pack of smokes.

"Bro, these are gonna be so gross," I picked up box and opened it. It was such a waste of smokes, but I guess I just haven't needed them.

"Smoke it, no balls," Brooklyn challenged me. It was weird to see my brother, the one who hated smoking more than anything, try to convince me to smoke.

"Fuck that," I said, letting a bit of the hick Canadian come out.

Brooklyn kept pressuring me, but I kept saying no. I've smoked a lot of bad cigarettes in my time just because I was desperate, I wasn't going to do it again. I knew how much it hurt. Anyway, I didn't feel like I needed the nicotine.

Once he realized I was standing my ground, he gave up and continued to help us pack.

The next few days went the same. Eventually, it was our move in day. Rye was really excited and his good vibes just radiated everywhere. He kept telling me how he wanted to decorate and I did the same.

It was nice to actually have him want to do all these things with the apartment. He wanted to turn the closet into this mint dream closet with chill vibes. He also wanted a super chill vibe with this whole studio and I was down with that. I convinced him to let me add tapestries to his idea.

All the guys helped us load everything up and unload once we made it to the apartment.

The room was small, but it was just right. There was a kitchen off to the side, then room for the couch we had ordered along with some extra living room things like a tv and coffee table. Then, there was a couple stairs going to a platform where we wanted the 'bedroom' to be. I could already see many plants hanging from the railings separating the higher part of the studio from the rest.

"I'm so happy to call this ours," Rye pulled me closer once the guys had left. We had all our stuff, which wasn't a lot, so the guys had to get back to do band things.

I placed a kiss on his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I was thinking."

He raised an eyebrow at me as his hands rested on my waist.

"Actually I was thinking two things. First, I think since you love doing Youtube so much, I'd be okay with doing some videos with you."


I nodded. "I feel like you don't like hiding things from your fans and I wanna be apart of everything you do from now on. Including Youtube. Plus, I wanna make sure all those teenage girls stay in their lane because you're mine."

He smiled and kissed me. "I'm so happy you're mine. I love you so much."

I was a bit taken back by him saying that. The past few months, I've realized I really loved Rye, but we never actually said the words. I was afraid he wouldn't feel the same.

"I love you too."

He kissed me even more, letting me sit on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, yeah, my second thought. I was thinking that we should probably break in this apartment."

The rest of the night, we fucked anywhere we could think of in the small apartment, making it officially ours.

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