"Don't panic." Sarah told herself for the hundredth time- she forms words down onto the blank book; the book she was copying here was about a kingdom that was completely destroyed by 'White Death', a deadly sickest that attacks light bearers' bodies, causing them to rot from the inside out.
"Just because the person who sent the money to these people to help me has the same e-mail address as me, does not mean a thing," Sarah said firmly to herself, nodding her head as she continues to say the same things yet again- she was so confused.
It had been three days since the three scholars came to help her, two more scholars came and when now and again.
At the end of the day, they would pile the written books in front of her and she would place them in her Soul Room, while they thought she simply had an item that had a powerful sub-space. When she went to sleep in her capsule bed, she would go into her soul room and bring them into her library, she was always happy when she noticed that Calixtus and Sunny had taken what they could into there already, ready for her to sort out and place.
Turning the pages over she carefully let the shadows and droplets run over, before moving it to the blank book.
"I even checked my history!" Sarah hisses, she continues talking in a low voice to herself, "There was an e-mail sent out, along with my own bank details, paying the money out to them!"
Sarah frowns, she had done a lot of digging. A lot of money had been placed into her bank on the same day as the Dark Sense Hearing's opening. Enough money to buy many blank books and hire some people to help her.
It was surprising how fast they were, they could do something like fifty in an hour, while she could only do four. At the pace they were going at, they would finish the whole bookshop by the end of the week, leaving her with the rest summer to do whatever she needed.
...with everything that had happened, it was making her head spin and she could not keep up with all that was going on.
Sarah also wanted to try the transfer skull once more- something she had dared not do in this place. She has almost completely recovered her strength and felt ready to give it a go.
However, being at full power again meant that her light shone brightly.
Sarah had a plan and thought she needed to smelt it into the cloak. But! Discovered that it was already built-in.
The cool shadows were wrapped tightly around her body, making it look like she was wearing leather. A pure black leather vest, leather pants, boots and blinding around her arms and wrists.
It did the trick.
She actually recalls one of the no-name scholars looking at her in surprise at her tight clothing, the saying in a low voice to her colleague that she thought Sarah was a child and even called her a 'mental midget' under her breath.
Sarah did not care, yeah, it was not her style... but then again she never really had a 'style', it was only after meeting Joanna and going out the house more did she start truly thinking about what she wore; when she returned she had hoped to try on different clothes to see what suited her the best.
Forgotten One
FantasySarah Hikari is a young but powerful light bearer who lives in a natural zone, a place where all different bearers and even lycanthropes, live together in peace and free from fear from the outside world; she loves games, history and learning new ski...