Random 1||| Ooof

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I dunno this may be random but suddenly I am feeling unsatisfied with the ending to Yours. Maybe it's the quarantine getting to me because I've got to go crazy somehow. I also apologize for the lack of updates, I just honestly haven't been present on Wattpad much as of late. 

I need to write more and am sorry to say that I have not progressed since the last update. This quarantine has me very uninspired. My friends are all miserable because senior year is ducked up but I am miserable because I want to write but can't come up with anything. Well it probably doesn't help that I am usually stuck with my demanding younger sisters haha.

Let me admit something- I am worried. I don't know if it is the quarantine but it seems like the fandom is falling apart whether it be because of threats made to Horikoshi because of over obsessed shippers or because of Horikoshi giving a character a name that did not come out well. I love this fandom and as an author it pains me to see fellow "fans" threatening Horikoshi over things that should not quite matter as long as the story is good. Is this what the future is going to be like if I can officially be an author? Constantly checking over my shoulder to ensure that I have not offended someone or slowly losing the love for something I love because people are a mess.

Maybe I worry for nothing. I definitely need to find a way to distract myself if I am thinking this way haha! I am going to try to find a way to slowly pull myself back into writing especially since I have a story writing assignment coming up in a month or so. Alright I am going to leave it at this.  Have a good day/night! I love you guys!

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