Mattia, Alejandro and kairi got back into the car and mattia hugged me really tight and didn't let go for about a minute
M- what happened H- I heard a knock on the door and I opened it and saw 3 guys in masks standing there then it all went black and I didn't remember anything then I woke up all tied up and then t-th-they r-rapped me
I started to cry and mattia hugged me and made me feel safe as we were driving home, we got home and sat on the couch
M- we have to call the police and tell them everything so they don't try it again J- ya cause we have foot age M- exactly
They called the police and they came to the house
Policemen- so what happened J- nobody was h- Policemen- I want to hear it from her J- oh ok H- oh um I was on the couch here alone and I heard a knock at the door so I went to open it and I saw 3 guys with masks on and that's all I remember when I woke up I was tied up and they rapped m-me J- and we have security footage Policemen- can I see the footage J- yes come here
Jaden led him to the iPad wit the footage and showed him it
Policemen- ok but let me ask you this how do you know it was them J- b-because we noticed the tattoo on his arm and we were familiar with it and then realized it was him Policemen- but there could be many people with that tattoo M- WE FOUND HER IN HIS HOUSE WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED Policemen- young man I need to do further details before we arrest because how do we know if you just want them in jail M- but we have camera footage that you seen Policemen- you guys could have created that J- I will show you the whole day we did not do it M- you guys are no help just leave
After a minute or two the police guy left and everyone was mad because he should have just listened to us it was really annoying after a while we cooled off
P- wait hazel where did your casts go H- oh uh they took them and they don't hurt that bad it's kinda wired P- oh ok J- you sure your ok haze H- yes Jaden
Me and charli went up to my room and chilled and watched YouTube and we're having fun trying to get my mind off of what happened at this point it is 7:30 and someone knocked on my bedroom door and I opened it and it was Alejandro
H- what do you want loser Ale- it really do be like that tho H- shut up what do you want Ale- umm we were going to go to get ice cream but your being rude so your not invited H- and I don't remember you ever being invited to my house Ale- your brother invited me to save your bitch ass but go off H- whatever we coming we will be down in 2 minutes Ale- ok bye girlies *says in girl voice* H- ahhh I can't fuck with you you sound like an actual girl Ale- that's what I do
He walked downstairs and me and charli got into some clothes and I put on this
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