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Doc- hazel is fine but she has lost her memory it is able to come back but it might take time, some people take longer some people's come back quick it all depends
M- can we see her
Doc- yes follow me this way

We followed the doctor into a room which was hazels room and she was talking to the nurse

Nurse-alright hazel looking at these people do you recognize any of them no pressure

She said pointing at us

H- umm that's Jaden my brother
She said pointing to Jaden
H- that's charli my best friend
She said pointing to charli
Then she paused for a minute

H- but the rest I don't know, I'm sorry
Nurse- I'm going to go, you guys can talk to her and I'll be back soon with an update for when she's able to go home
J- alright thank you

The nurse walked out and shut the door

Hazels POV

I woke up and nurse was asking me questions then people came in and I only recognized 2 of them Jaden and charli the nurse asked me if I knew them and left

J- do you remember what happened
H- no the nurse just said I hit my head and lost my memory why what happened
J- your ex now Payton and you were arguing and then he pushed you in the pool and you hit your head and Mattia got you out
H- who's Mattia
Kai- i don't know he's irrelevant I don't know him either
J- shut up Kai, this is Mattia
He said pointing at a tall boy with black thick fluffy hair he is pretty cute
H- oh hi
I said nervously
Kai- I'm kairi the best one out of these hoes
H- hi your funny
Kai- i know I am don't gotta tell me
Ale- I'm Alejandro
H- hi
J- they are all your best friends we spend everyday together and there's griffin, josh and Anthony but they didn't come they went with Payton so I don't know what's up with them
H- oh

We talked for a bit while they tried to get my memory back but nothing was working

J- are you hungry
H- ya
Everyone- ya
J- alright boys lets go to chick-fil- a charli will you stay here with her
C- ya of course

They left

H- Mattias cute
She laughed
C- you guys used to date
H- why did we break up
C- cause you thought you would be better as friends you never told me the real reason but I know you wouldn't break up with him like that
H- oh well now I don't remember
She laughed
C- well Mattia's deep in love with you he just bought you a puppy he goes out of his way for you
H- why has he not talked at all
C- i don't know he's probably dosent like seeing you hurt

We talked till they got back with the food and we ate I remember most of my life like family and stuff but not Mattia, Alejandro or kairi nothing on any of them then the nurse came in

Nurse- alright well your allowed to go home tomorrow morning we just need to keep you over night to make sure your good and then you can leave first thing tomorrow
H- alright thank you

The nurse left and we talked some more but still nothing with the boys weird

H- guys I'm tired
C- then go to bed lmao not like you have to go upstairs
H- your right well goodnight everyone
Everyone- goodnight


Sorry for the short chapter but lmk ideas and I also wanted to show you a picture that I made

Sorry for the short chapter but lmk ideas and I also wanted to show you a picture that I made

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It's Mattia if you couldn't put two and two together

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