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tainted dreams | chapter fifteen

tainted dreams | chapter fifteen___

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Tony and Rosalie fell to their knees in a darkly harmonious movement. The pair stared at each other's eyes in pain, both sharing a deep moment as their strength slowly left their wounded bodies.

But she couldn't go down like this, and neither could Tony. Without saying goodbye, without one last meaningful hug.

Not like this.

Rosalie panted and crawled on her knees towards her only living family. Ignoring the searing pain on her body, she kept on going. Nothing could stop her now.

The power of the gauntlet's raw energy left Tony's entire right side fatally injured. He stumbled for a bit before his body collapsed besides a pile of debris.

"No!" Rosalie's voice was barely audible but she managed to capture their team's attention.

Finally, her powers came back to life and isolated the wound on her stomach. It stopped hurting but she knew it wouldn't last forever, as she would have to sterilise and bandage it correctly once they went somewhere safe after all of that ended. Her powers acted more like a soothing pill than stitches and bandages.

Rhodey soon flew in and went up to Tony to see his long time colleague and friend fading away. He bowed his head, knowing the damage was done. Peter soon flew in and saw what everyone else saw.

"Mr. Stark?" He looked sideways at Rosalie, who decided to let everyone else say their goodbyes first.

He ran up to his fallen mentor, tears starting to form in his eyes as Rosalie watched it all happen in front of her. She couldn't hold her own tears in any longer.

"Hey, Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. We won. Mr. Stark..." Peter sobbed quietly, whispering as if to not hurt Tony even more. "We won, Mr. Stark. We won and you did it, sir. You did it."

Tony was unresponsive, Peter broke down and hugged him. It was Rosalie's cue to gently pat her partner's back and kneel beside her mentor.

"Tony..." Her voice failed her, but Tony reacted to her voice and stared deeply into her eyes, tears weakly forming behind his clear irises. "Please."

No other words fell out of her mouth, she didn't have to say much to express how heartbroken she was. Her hand found his wounded one and held it close to her beating heart. Peter stepped completely aside to grieve and Pepper sat in front of the fading Iron Man, right by the younger girl's side.

"Hey." Tony was barely able to move his head, but managed to switch his stare from his first apprentice to Pepper.

"Hey, Pep." He whispered and both blondes smiled weakly. "Rose..."

tainted dreams |p. parker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now