Chapter Eight

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*Two months later of chapter seven*

    Tick tock, tick tock, tick, tock. It was dead quiet in the house. Not even a mouse dared to squick a noise. The only possible noise was coming from the outside as a heavy storm had been going on for about three hours now. The clock ticked and a boy with blond hair (yes I'm changing Jimin's hair) straight at it. Waiting. Tick Tock Tick Tock TIN! 12:00. Jimin jumped out of his bed and tiptoed down the hall towards Tae's bedroom. They had been waiting for this day for two months. They have prepared and planned, but nothing could prepare Tae for a thinner and smaller body bouncing on him while calling his name at 12:00 of the morning. "TAE TAE TAE TAE!" Tae quickly put his hand on Jimin's mouth forcing the older to shut it. He had to admit, he had also been excited for this day. "Jimin be quiet or they'll hear you!" Tae whisper yelled. Tae got out of his bed and both boys quickly changed clothes that were perfect for the occasion. Just when Jimin finished putting his pants up a light knock on the door was heard.

Tae quickly got to the door and opened it just enough to pick his head through. Tae's eyes landed on Yoongi's. "Good...goodmorning." Yoongi said. Tae let him in right when he was sure Jimin was fully clothed. Yoongi had a medium size bag with him which he opened. He started making sure that everything was ready and that he had all the materials they needed. Another knock was heard on the door. Jimin opened the door this time and he came back inside with Tiana behind him. "Okay are we all ready?" Yoongi asked as he kneeled on the floor and looked up at everyone around him. As soon as the others nodded and looked ready in Yoongi's perspective they quietly got out of the room. They walked together through the hall and down the stairs. Everytime they got close to a bedroom they would walk slower and quieter. All in all it took them 7 minutes to make it to the kitchen.

Yoongi opened the door on the floor and they were all met with the dark hole that led to the underground network. "Okay so I will choose who will go down okay." A loud groan was heard from the others. "Uuuu NO, we all agreed you will follow what I say if you want to continue with this mission. So I choose or nothing." The others nodded and kept their mouths shut "Jimin and Tiana you go in. Tae I need you to be my right hand man." Tae wanted to complain but decided against it. Yoongi gave Tiana and Jimin ropes which they would be tying themselves with to go down. Tae helped Yoongi tie the ropes to a thick structure close to them while the others tied themselves with the other end. Yoongi verified the ropes were tight enough.

Yoongi walked to his bag and got extra materials. "We will be able to hear you from up here, there is enough echo. Make sure you leave these flowers stuck to the wall leading the way out. Also use this extra rope so you are able to always find your way back here." After Jimin and Tiana made sure they understood all the information given they got the two torches and all the other objects. They got close to the hole and sat down. Their legs dangling down the hole. "Good luck." With that said Jimin and Tiana made their way down the hole. For Jimin it felt like years going down and he didn't want to know how long it felt for Tae. Soon enough though he fell to the floor that was starting to flood with water. The water reached their knees. "Okay, we're down. Looks like the tunnels are flooded with a little water. It reaches to our knees." Tiana said. Yoongi soon responded "So Tiana it reaches to your knees, it must be then that to Jimin it reaches to his shoulders." Tae laughed at that. Tiana turned to an angry Jimin who was done with the jokes about his height to see that in fact the water only reached his knees.

Jimin and Tiana lighted their torches and started walking with the extra rope behind them. " did you meet Jungkook?" Jimin asked in a low tone. Tiana looked back at him, she stayed quiet for a while. "I'm sorry if I touched on a sensitive subject or something, you don-" Jimin began saying "No no, it's okay I was a long time ago, something that at the time scared me a little." She said "I was working at a bar, Jin's bar" She began "I was an orphan and Jin took me in. As a way to repay him I started working there and helping as much as I could." The water in the tunnels got thicker the further they went. "One day, I was serving customers like I usually did until Jin asked me to take out the trash."

She took a deep breath "I took the trash and went to the back of the bar where we would usually leave the trash when...I heard a noise coming from some of the other bags of trash left by other people. I remember I thought it was a mouse but then it sounded like something bigger so I thought it was maybe a rat. Jin is scared of rats so he always asked me to kill the rats if I ever saw one in the back so I took my knife and got ready. I wasn't ready to when I would pick the trash to see a scared 14 year old boy trying to find some scraps to eat. His hair was all messy and he had dirt in his face. When I walked to him I remember he threatened me with a knife. He had a royal knife so my first thought was that he was a thief. I knew Jin didn't appreciate thieves but I couldn't leave the starving boy there. I hid him in the bar but eventually Jin found out. He reacted badly at first but he grew a soft spot for Jungkook." Tiana smiled at the memory.

"He told us what happened a few years later...why he ran away, who he was. We insisted that he could stay with us but he said he didn't want to be a burden. So we helped him move to the forest where he stayed, until we sent him to live with you guys." She showed a caring smile towards Jimin, he returned the smile with one that darkened his vision. For a moment both of them didn't pay attention to the road. They started going slower as the water became really thick and hard to walk on, probably because of all the trash that accumulated in the tunnels. While they were talking and joking around Jimin felt objects underwater making it even harder to move. Jimin suddenly tripped and fell in the water. When Tiana tried to help him she found that she was a little stuck. They had only one lighted torch now and she didn't know what to do. She called for Jimin but he didn't answer...he was completely submerged. Then Tiana got an idea.

"YOOOOONNGGIIIIIII!" She called. As a response she heard a small WHAT. "I need one of you to get down and pull on the rope that leads us when I tell you to!" Soon she heard someone drop to the water floor of the tunnels. "What do I do now?!" Tae's voice was heard "Pull on the rope that is leading the way when I tell you to!" Tiana responded. She heard an okay. She had to work fast. She tied the rope to her waist. "NOW!" She then submerged and got a hold of Jimin. She felt someone pull them with all their force...but it wasn't enough. She was already struggling with her breath and could feel Jimin go weak. She felt another force twice as strong pulling them. This time she felt them lift up and rise to the surface. She took a deep breath and coughed a little. She pulled Jimin with her. She heard Tae ask if they were okay, she quickly responded with a not so much.

She went all the way up and found that Yoongi and Tea had successfully combined forces to get them out. They got out of the tunnels once they saw in what condition Jimin was. They were relieved to see that Jimin was breathing but were sure he would most definitely be sick after what happened. "Jimin...JIMIN WAKE UP!" Tae yelled and slapped the said boy in the cheek waking him up. Jimin violently coughed. 'What happened? Did we find a way through?" They looked at him sadly and explained what happened. "No no no NO!" Jimin said in pain...they were so close. "I always have to mess it up!" Tiana stepped in "You didn't's okay we will find another way." She rubbed circles in his back "But what about Jungkook! Huh? How long does he have till we are able to make it through the FUCKING NETWORK!" Yoongi tried to calm the boy while Tae told him to follow his breath. "I can't *sob* I want to go back *sob* I can't stop until I find a way through" Jimin said with tears running down his face.

"Jimin, listen you are in no condition to go down there right now, we will make it through okay we will be back to explore more of the network." They were all interrupted with an angry response "No, none of you will be going down there EVER AGAIN! WHAT WHERE YOU GUYS THINKING!" An angry Jin called for attention, behind him Hobi and Lucas. Yoongi looked at his husband apologetically. Tiana gulped at seeing Jin and Lucas with worried eyes. "All of you out! We need to talk." So all the presented people walked out making their way to the living room not forgetting to close the door behind them.

AN: Oof! I had fun with this chapter! He looked like he was crying a little in the picture underneath sooooo.

AN: Oof! I had fun with this chapter! He looked like he was crying a little in the picture underneath sooooo

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